Wednesday, January 9, 2013


The Iraqi war that started officially on March 20, 2003 and ended on December 2011 was spearheaded by the United States, supported by the United Kingdom and the coalition forces of the other many nations remained the most deadly war in modern times that this world had seen. America and Iraq both paid a heavy price in terms of the precious human life and treasury. From reliable estimates about 600, 000 to 1 million Iraqis died in that war.  Iraq today is more politically divided between the Sunnis, Shites and Kurds and with the high possibility of a civil war and disintegration of that nation than before the invasion of that nation in 2003. From the America's side of this very costly war, about 5,000 American soldiers died, 40,000 of them were wounded and 22,000 of those 40,000 soldiers that were wounded were permanently wounded and the financial cost of this war was over $1 trillion that America had to borrow to prosecute this war and that loan has now added to the America's deficit and her huge foreign debt.

The main question that the students of history all over the world will be asking for many decades to come is whether this brutal war was justified, required to be prosecuted and necessary in all reality. Was this war a war of choice or necessity? Was this war a dumb war or a wise decision? Did this war help America's international image and her foreign policy objectives around the world? Is war the best way to address and to resolve future global conflicts amongst the various nations of the world today in this 21st century human universe? Will war between nations today in this 21st century contribute to the much needed global peace and tranquility?

The administration of the former America's President George Bush Jr who started this war in 2003 and left the office before this war was officially ended by the new administration of the current America's President Barack Obama gave the following three political lies to the whole world to justify the need to prosecute this war. The reasons are below:(i) The late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was the principal culprit that was behind the September 11, 2001 domestic terrorist attacks against the United States. (ii) The nation of Iraq has stockpiled and were developing enormous weapons of mass destruction (chemical, biological and nuclear) that threaten the global peace, the Iraqi's neighbors and the entire mankind. (iii) This war will officially free the Iraqis from the decades of the brutal domination and the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein.

Today, this brutal war is now over and it is also history. The whole world now knows that the Iraqi war was not necessary, it was a dumb war as well as a war of choice. There is no single intelligence evidence that linked Saddam Hussein with the terrorist attacks of the 9/11 in America or with the terrorist group known as the Al-Queda that was led by the late Osama Bin Laden who was the principal culprit behind the 9/11 attacks in America. Iraq did not have nor were they developing the so called weapons of mass destruction. Finally, Saddam Hussein's dictatorship is now history in Iraq, but the nation is now facing a possibility of a civil war and a disintegration into three smaller nations in the future. The Kurds, the Sunnis and the Shites are now seeking for more autonomy and self determination along the political, economic and religious lines.

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