Sunday, January 6, 2013


No living or dead American Presidents since the formation of the American nation in 1776 ever did everything rightly, correctly and perfectly in the White House. Some of their mistakes caused some of the past American Presidents the opportunity to be reelected for their second terms, some of them were impeached for their mistakes and some of them had to suddenly resigned from the office because of their mistakes. Below are three of the most important mistakes made by this young President in the White House in the first two years of his first term in office between 2009 to 2011.

(i) President Barack Obama inherited the worst economic crisis that was created by the former President George Bush Jr since the Great Depression years of the 1930s. President Barack Obama focused his economic bailout programs and stimulus on the Wall Street (corporate America, banks and automobile industries) who were primarily responsible for the economic collapse of the entire American capitalist system in 2008 with their unregulated business practices and greed. President Barack Obama then neglected the Main Street (the millions of the unemployed Americans and the home owners that were facing foreclosures and were more affected by this economic collapse that the Wall Street). The Wall Street came out stronger from this economic recession after this bail out and the Main Street is still suffering to date with 7.8% unemployment rate and millions of homeowners are still facing foreclosures on their homes.

(ii) His election in 2008 was a national referendum of the entire GOP machine. Americans wanted another direction and vision for this nation by electing Barack Obama, the man with the new hope for this nation in 2008. American voters demonstrated this by giving the Democrats the White House and the majority of the both houses of the United States Congress at the same time. President Barack Obama messed up this great opportunity to move this great country and  in a new direction. President Barack Obama decided to play the politics of compromise and bipartisan which the America voters rejected by trying to bring the GOP (his political foes who wanted him to fail in office from day one) on board by all means and at all cost.

(iii) President Barack Obama did not use the Democratic controlled US Congress to his own full advantage in the first two years in the White House by passing most of his planned landmark bills and policies that he promised this nation during his presidential campaigns, such as, tax code reforms, immigration reforms, job bills and social security reforms. Then in 2010, a wave of political revolution led by the Tea Party, religious rights and the Birther movement swept the midterm elections in 2010 in favor of the GOP. The newly elected Tea Party elements of the House then turned themselves into the biggest oppositions and obstructionists ever known in the US Congress in the last few centuries with only one main political goal in their minds "Let us (GOP) make Barack Obama a one-term president".

President Barack Hussein Obama made history again in November of 2012 to be reelected back to the White House in the midst of the worst economic recession in America in decades in and in the midst of the worst political opposition from the House Republicans against his presidency in our lifetime. This GOP House opposition will continue into Obama's second and the last term in the White House except there is a political shift in favor of the Democrats in the midterm elections of 2014. For now, the political gridlocks in Washington will remain the order of the day and the major features of the Obama's second term in the White House.

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