Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Many Nigerians at home and in the diaspora claim openly and publicly that they are patriotic Nigerians in all ramifications. Who is a true patriotic Nigerian in all truth, honesty and reality? Are Nigeria's elected officials truly patriotic? Do you have to serve in the government of Nigeria at any level of capacity either as an appointed public official or as an elected public official to be truly patriotic? Do you have to live inside Nigeria, pay your taxes to the Nigerian government and go through the daily national issues and challenges in Nigeria to be really patriotic? Are the 160 million ordinary Nigerian masses all patriotic? What is true patriotism in the context of the Nigerian nation as she is today?

An online website:www.skeptic.ca that is devoted to free thoughts defined patriotism to be the love for one's ancestry, culture or homeland. Patriotism is derived from the Greek word "kputrios" ("of one's fathers") or patris (one's fatherland"). The Oxford English Dictionary defines a patriot as "one who disinterestedly or self-sacrificingly exerts himself to promote the well-being of his country." A patriot is "one who maintains and defends his country's freedom or rights."

A patriotic Nigerian is a person who will boldly and openly point out the ills of the Nigerian nation to the Nigerians and her leaders. A patriotic Nigerian will always speak the hard truths to the powers that be in Nigeria whether it is politically correct, a popular thing to do or not to do. A patriotic Nigerian will not be cowed or indifferent when the state of the Nigerian nation is not working or functioning properly. A patriotic Nigerian will not be quiet or silent when the leaders of Nigeria are moving the nation toward the path of retrogression and destruction. A patriotic Nigerian will not use his or her public office to amass wealth illegally or intentionally mismanaged the wealth's nation. In conclusion, many of our best patriots in Nigeria today are the men or women that never went alongside with the government of the day in Nigeria when it comes to the most important national issues and policies that will affect Nigeria and her 160 million citizens or their future negatively. Are you one of the patriotic Nigerians or one of the traitors of Nigerian?  

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