Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Nigerian masses are suffering today from the weight, the control, the domination and the culture of hero worshipping. Nigerians are natural and practical hero worshippers of their politicians, political appointees, public elected officials traditional and religious leaders. In the world of politics and government, these public elected officials, politicians and traditional rulers are all elevated above the nation and its constitution by their followers and supporters through the instrument of adulation or ass-kissing, thereby making these corrupt and self-centered politicians elected by the same masses on their behalf to begin to live above the laws of Nigeria by abusing their constitutional powers in the act of governance and in their public services and responsibilities to the people of Nigeria.

In the world of religions, especially in Christianity, these pastors and bishops that are known to their followers, givers and supporters as "men of God" are put above the sound doctrinal teachings of the Holy Bible, the deity, the teachings and the words of Jesus Christ who is the only central figure as well as the only personality behind the whole essence of the Christian faith. In the religion of Islam, Imams and Koranic teachers use their religious directives and fatwa to control and to manipulate the life of their vulnerable, gullible and fanatical followers for their own advantage.

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