Thursday, January 10, 2013


American religious rights is one of the most powerful, most influential and the largest voting blocs in the Republican Party of America. American religious rights for decades have regarded the religion of Mormonism as a cult religion because John Smith who founded this religion laid bold claims to many angelic visits and series of extra-biblical revelations outside the traditional 66 books of the Christian Bible. The Mormons in their religious service use the "Book of Mormons" in addition to the Bible.

But these religious rights endorsed the candidacy of Mitt Romney who was a Mormon missionary for 5 years in France, an avenue that allowed him to easily escape from been drafted by the United States government into the military during the Vietnam war. Mitt Romney also served as a Bishop in the Mormon Church for the entire state of Massachusetts for many years and he has also given tens of million of American dollar personally to the Mormon Church over the decades as revealed in his released tax returns.

The same religious rights that openly and publicly questioned and even doubted the Christian life experiences of President Barack Obama and some of them even went further by calling President Barack Obama a secret Muslim. One of the leading figures of the religious rights, Dr. Billy Graham who posted on his official evangelical website that the Mormon religion is a cult religion for decades quickly endorsed Mitt Romney for the presidency of the United States and he also quickly pulled down this important religious information about Mormonism from his official website days before the November 6, 2012 presidential election in the United States. What a religion deception of the highest order at work and indeed? Is this not an example of religious bigotry or fanatism? Will Jesus Christ do the same thing by endorsing the Pharisees? This is a food for thought.

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