Wednesday, January 16, 2013


The presidency of Barack Obama is historically distinct and completely unique from all what America as a nation has ever seen, experienced or witnessed since this nation was founded in 1776 as a sovereign independent union of 13 original colonies from the British imperialism. Barack Obama entered into his presidency in 2008 by changing history and the American nation. His presidency will be remembered by time, posterity and history for the four major developments which are listed below:
(i) Barack Obama's presidency broke the America's color barrier at the highest political level. Americans from all walks of life for the first time voted and elected a man to lead this great union at the highest office in the government without considering the color of that man's skin but the characters of his heart. The election of Barack Obama showed to the whole world that America is becoming color blind and she is gradually moving toward a more perfect union despite her brutal and inhuman history of slavery, segregation and institutionalized racism or discrimination.

(ii) Barack Obama was officially welcomed into his historical presidency with the worst economic recession in America since the end of the Great Depression in the 1930s. He assumed the presidency with two expensive foreign wars in Iraq and Afghanistan respectively. He was faced with an economy that was losing over 650,000 jobs per month for the next 22 consecutive months with a record high unemployment rate of 8% or 14 million unemployed Americans. President Barack Obama inherited a huge $12 trillion foreign debt, a yearly rising deficit,  massive home foreclosures, financially bankrupt Wall Street banks, a daily crashing stock market and a financially handicapped Detroit automobile companies. Obama's presidency has now rescued the American nation from grips of the worst economic crises of 2008.

(iii) Obama's presidency was ushered into the White House with the worst political oppositions in decades in the history of the American presidential politics that came from the Washington power brokers and the ordinary Americans outside the Beltway politics. These  opposition groups included the GOP House members of the United States Congress who also belonged to the Tea Party. The Birther movement and the nativists that doubted and questioned the authenticity of President Barack Obama's American citizenship and then presented Obama as an illegal alien in the White House. The religious rights group of the GOP that claimed that Obama is a secret Muslim, a supporter of Islamic terrorism, an antichrist and was never a Christian.

(iv) This Obama's presidency continues to be historical in nature by his reelection back into the White House for a second term in office despite the slowly recovering America's economy with 7.7% unemployment rate and the worst political opposition against his presidency that came from the GOP led 112th United States Congress or do-nothing-Congress. President Barack Obama made another major political landmark again in 2012 to become the only Democrat president that was elected and reelected in the last 100 years of the America's presidential elections with over 51% of the total votes. In conclusion, no matter how you personally viewed the Obama's presidency, the two things that nobody can take away from his presidency is the fact that his presidency changed history and the American nation in this 21st human universe.

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