Sunday, January 27, 2013


Did Kenneth Hagin Sr one of the founding fathers of the prosperity gospel or the modern Word of Faith movement heavily plagiarize the books of E. W. Kenyon (1867-1948)? E.W. Kenyon was an author who was influenced by the non-biblical doctrine that was known at that time as the "New Thought" or the "New Age Positive Thinking Spirituality". When confronted by his own publisher, Kenneth Hagin Sr could not deny these allegations. He said that "God" had given him those exact words also. The biggest question that is left unanswered on this subject matter is this:why would omniscience God gave Kenneth Hagin Sr the same exact words for words from the many books that were written earlier on by E.W. Kenyon who lived before Kenneth Hagin Sr and wrote his books first? 

Plagiarism, Kenyon and the Word-of-Faith Movement

A few (8) samples of what is called ‘plagiarism’…

Kenneth Hagin apparently had no conscience about copying word for word
his “revelations” of the Word of Faith from Kenyon’s books, published some time earlier.
Kenyon’s own daughter, Ruth Kenyon Houseworth, easily recognizes her father’s message upon the lips of Faith leaders. She says:
“They’ve (Faith teachers) all copied from my dad. [E. W. Kenyon] They’ve changed it a little bit and added their own touch….but they couldn’t change the wording…These that are coming along now that have been in the ministry for just a few years and claiming that this is something that they are just starting, it makes you laugh a little bit. It’s very difficult for some people to be big enough to give credit to somebody else.” [ E.W. Kenyon, The Father and His Family, Lynnwood WA.: Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society, 1964, p.118.]
A man who, on occasion, ministered with Kenyon was one time friend John Kennington, pastor of Emmanuel Temple in Portland, Oregon. He has this to say concerning the plagiarism of Kenyon’s teachings:
“Today Kenyon’s teachings are in the ascendancy. Via the electronic church or in the printed page I readily recognize not only Kenyon’s concepts, but at times , I recognize pure plagiarism, for I can almost tell you book, chapter and page where the material is coming from. Kenyon has become the ‘father’ of the so-called ‘Faith’ movement.”
The original works are the rights of

E. W. Kenyon

Kenneth E. Hagin, Sr.

The twenty-second Psalm gives aThe 22nd Psalm gives a
graphic picture of the crucifixiongraphic picture of the crucifixion
of Jesus. It is more vivid thanof Jesus-more vivid than
that of John, Matthew or Markthat of John, Matthew or Mark
who witnessed it.witnessed it.
But He says the strangest words,He utters the strange words
“But thou are holy.”“But thou are holy.”
What does that mean?What does that mean?
He is becoming sin.He is becoming sin. . . .
Can you hear those parched lips cry,His parched lips cry,
“I am a worm and no man.”?“I am a worm and no man.”
He is spiritually dead. The worm.He is spiritually dead-the worm.
Jesus had died of a ruptured heart.Jesus died of a ruptured heart.
When that happened, blood from allWhen it happened, blood from all
parts of the body poured in throughparts of His body poured through
the rent, into the sack thatthe rent into the sack which
holds the heart. Then as the bodyholds the heart. As the body
cooled, the red corpusclescooled, the red corpuscles
coagulated and rose to thecoagulated and rose to the
top. The white serum settledtop, the white serum settled
to the bottom. When thatto the bottom When that
Roman soldier’s spear pierced theRoman spear pierced the
sack, water poured out first. Thensack, water poured out first, then
the coagulated blood oozed out,the coagulated blood oozed out,
rolled down His side onto therolling down his side onto the
ground, and John bore witness of it.ground. John bore witness of it.
(What happened from the Cross to the
Throne [Seattle: Kenyon's Gospel("Christ our Substitute", The Word
Publishing Society, 1969, 44-45])of Faith [March 1975]), pp. 1,4,5,7)
At once you ask,
“What does identification mean?”What does identification mean?
It means our complete union withIt means our complete union with
Him in His Substitutionary Sacrifice.Christ.
This gives us the key whichThis gives us the key which
unlocks the great teaching ofunlocks the great teachings of
Christ became one with us in sinChrist became one with us in sin
that we might become one withthat we might become one with
Him in righteousness.Him in righteousness.
He became as we were to the endHe became as we were to the end
that we might become as He is now.that we might become as He is now.
He died to make us liveHe died to make us live.
He became weak to make us strongHe became weak to make us strong.
He suffered shame to give us glory.He suffered shame to give us glory.
He went to hellHe went to hell
to take us to take us to heaven.
He was condemned to justify us.He was condemned to justify us.
He was made sick that healingHe was made sick that healing
might be ours.might be ours.
(Identification: A Romance in(“The Resurrection! What it Gives Us.”
Redemption [Seattle:Kenyon's GospelThe Word Of Faith
Publishing Society, 1968], 6, 7)[April 1977], p.5)
The picture here is of Christ. . .Here is a picture of Christ in
in awful combat with the hosts ofawful combat with the hosts of
darkness. It gives us a glimpsedarkness. It gives us a glimpse
of the tremendous battle and victoryof the tremendous victory He won
that Jesus won before He rose frombefore He rose from the dead.
the dead. The margin reads:The margin of King James reads,
“Having put off from Himself the“He put off from Himself the
principalities and powers.”principalities and the powers.”
It is evident thatIt is quite obvious and evident
the whole demon host, when theythat whole demon hosts, when they
saw Jesus in their power simplyhad Jesus within their power
intended to swamp Him, overwhelmintended to swamp Him, to overwhelm
Him, and they held Him in fearfulHim, and to hold Him in fearful
bondage until the cry came forthbondage. But the cry came forth
from the throne of God that Jesusfrom the throne of God that Jesus
had met the demands of justice; thathad met the demands of Justice, that
the sin problem was settledthe sin problem had been settled,
and man’s redemption was a fact.that man’s redemption was a fact.
When this cry reached the darkAnd when that cry reached the dark
regions, Jesus rose and hurled backregions, Jesus arose and threw back
the host of darkness, and met Satanthe host of demons and met Satan
in awful awful combat.
God has made this investment forGod has made this investment for
the benefit of the Church:the church.
He has made this deposit on whichHe has made this deposit on which
the Church has a right to draw forthe church has a right to draw for
Her every need.her every need.
Oh, that our eyes were open;Oh that our eyes would open,
that our souls would dare risethat our souls would dare to rise
into the realm of the Omnipotencein the realm of the omnipotent
where the Name would mean to uswhere that name would mean to us
all that the Father has invested in it.all that God the Father intended
it to mean! In one sense,
This is practically an unexploredthis is practically unexplored
tableland in Christian experience.table land in Christian experience.
(The Wonderful Name Of Jesus [Seattle:("The Name Of Jesus: The More Excellent
Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society,Name";The Word of Faith
1927], 8, 9, 11)[April 1976], pp. 4-6)
You must have seen as you have
studied this book thatGod’s method of physical
healing is spiritual.healing is spiritual.
It is not mental as ChristianIt is not mental as Christian
Science and Unity and otherScience, Unity and other
metaphysical teachers claim.metaphysical teachers claim.
Neither is it physical as theNeither is it physical as the
medical world teaches. When manmedical world teaches. When man
heals, he must either do it throughheals, he must do it either through
the mind. . . or he does it throughthe mind or through the physical
the physical body. . . When Godbody. When God heals
heals He heals through the spirit.He heals through the human spirit,
We can understand thatfor God is a Spirit.
the greatest forces in lifeLife’s greatest forces
are spiritual forces.are spiritual forces.
Love and hate, fear and faith,Love and hate, faith and fear,
joy and grief,joy and peace,
are all of the spirit.are all of the spirit.
(Jesus the Healer [Seattle:("Spirit, Soul, & Body; Part Three:
Kenyon's Gospel PublishingGod Heals through the Spirit of Man,"
Society, 1940], p. 90)Word of Faith [December 1977], p.5)
That is, there will be enmityThe fact that there is enmity
between Satan and the woman.between Satan and the woman is seen
This is proved by woman’s history.through woman’s history. . . .
She has been bought and sold asShe has been bought and sold as
common chattel. Only where Chris-common chattel. Only where Chris-
tianity has reached the hearts oftianity has reached the heart of
a country has woman ever receivedthe country has woman
any treatment that would lift herbeen elevated
above the brute creation.above the brute creation.
and woman’s seed is Christ.Woman’s seed is Christ.
Christ was hunted from His babyhoodChrist was hunted from His babyhood
by Satan’s seed until finally theyby Satan’s seed until finally He
nailed him to the cross; and fromwas nailed to the cross. From
the resurrection of Jesus untilthe resurrection of Jesus until
this day, the church has been thethis day, the church has been the
subject of the bitterestsubject of the bitterest
persecution and enmity of thepersecution and enmity of the
world. “He shall bruise thyworld. “and it … shall bruise thy
head” – that is, the head of Satan.head” (the head of Satan).
In all Oriental languages the termIn Oriental languages “bruising
“bruise the head” means breakingthe head” means breaking
the lordship of a ruler.the lordship of a ruler.
“The heel” is the Church in its“The heel” is the Church in its
earth walk. The long ages ofearth walk. . . .The long ages of
persecution of the Church by thepersecution of the Church by the
seed of Satan are aseed of Satan are today merely a
matter of history.matter of history.
(The Bible in the Light of Our
Redemption [Seattle:Kenyon's Gospel("Incarnation," Word of Faith
Publishing Society, 1969], p. 58)[December 1978], p. 4)
…in Gen. 18 God refused toHere is Genesis, God refused to
destroy Sodom and Gomorrah until Hedestroy Sodom and Gomorrah until He
had talked it over with His bloodhad talked it over with Abraham,
covenant friend, Abraham. Abraham’sHis blood covenant friend. Abraham’s
prayer . . . is one of the mostprayer is one of the most
illuminating and suggestive prayerssuggestive and illuminating prayers
of the Old Testament … Abraham wasof the Old Testament. Abraham was
taking his in the covenant.taking his in the covenant.
Abraham had through the CovenantAbraham had, through the covenant,
received rights and privilegesreceived rights and privileges
that we little understand.which we very little understand.
The Covenant that Abraham had justThe covenant Abraham had just
solemnized with Jehovah gave him asolemnized with Jehovah gave him a
legal standing with God. Welegal standing with God…. we
hear him speak so plainly,hear him speaking so plainly…
“Shall not the judge of all the“Shall not the judge of all the
earth do right?” All through theearth do right?” All through the
Old Covenant we find men whoOld Testament we find men who
understood and took their placeunderstood and took their place
in the the covenant
Joshua could open the Jordan.Joshua could open the Jordan
He could command the.He could command the
sun, moon and stars to stand stillsun, moon and stars to stand still
in the heavens. Elijah could bringin the heavens. Elijah could bring
fire out of heaven to consume thefire out of heaven to consume the
offering as well as the altar.altar as well as the sacrifice.
David’s mighty men were utterlyDavid’s mighty men were utterly
shielded from death in their wars.shielded from death in time of war
They became supermen as long as theyas long as they remembered the
remembered the covenant.covenant.
(The Two Kinds of Faith [Seattle:(Plead Your Case [Tulsa: Faith
Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society,Library, 1979]), pp. 4-9; cf.
1969], pp. 76-84)pp. 23-32)
Jesus gave us the firstIn John 1:4 we get the first
intimation of what this Life wouldintimation of what this life will
do for man. “In him was life; anddo for us: “In him was life; and
the life was the light of men.”the life was the light of men.”"
There are four Greek wordsThere are four different Greek words
translated “life” … in the Newtranslated “life” in the New
Testament.Testament. First, there is zoe.
The first one is psuche which meansThen there is psuche. That means
natural, human life. The second isnatural or human life. Bios means
bios which means manner of life….manner of life.
The third is anastrophe which …And anastrophe means
means “a confused behavior.”confused behavior.
It is a strange thing that the ChurchIt seems strange that the Church
has majored in “manner of life” orhas majored in “manner of life” or
“behavior” rather than Eternal Life“behavior” rather than eternal life,
which determines in a very large waywhich determines in a very large way
the “manner of life.”the manner of life.
Receiving Eternal Life is the mostReceiving eternal life is the most
miraculous incident or event in life.miraculous incident in life.
It is called conversion, theOften we call it conversion or the
New Birth and the New Creator. Somenew birth. Some call
have called it “getting religion.”it “getting religion,” but that’s
not what it is really.
It is, in reality, God impartingIt is, in reality, God imparting
His very Nature, Substance, andHis very Nature, substance, and
Being to our human spirits.being to our human spirits.
(Two kinds of Life [Seattle:(The God Kind of Life [Tulsa:
Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society,Faith Library,
1971], pp. 2-3)1981], pp. 1-2, 9)
Man is a spirit being, he has a soulMan is a spirit who possesses a soul
and he lives . . . in a body.and lives in a body….
He is in the same class as God.He is in the same class with God.
We know that God is a spiritWe know that God is a Spirit.
and He became a man took on aAnd yet [He] took upon Himself a
man’s body, and when He did itman’s body….when God took
upon Himself human form,
He was no less God than He wasHe was no less God than when He
before He took the physical body…didn’t have a body.
Man, at death, leaves his physicalMan, at physical death, leaves his
body and is no less man thanbody. Yet he is no less man than
he was when he had his … body.he was when he had his body.
(The Hidden Man [Seattle: Kenyon's(Man of Three Dimensions [Tulsa:
Gospel Publishing Society, 1970],Faith Library, 1973], no page)
p.40; Two Kinds of Faith, p. 3)

This article originally appeared in Tricia Tillin’s website which has been recently shutdown.  We give full credit to Tricia Tillin, the original founder of the Banner Ministries for her scholarly work! - From the

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