Friday, December 28, 2012


WHAT IS THE TRUE BIBLICAL MEANING OF THIS SCRIPTURE THAT SAYS "TOUCH NOT MY ANOINTED AND DO MY PROPHETS NO HARM" IN THE OLD TESTAMENT BIBLE? Many Church leaders today (General Overseers, Presidents, Arch-Bishops, Bishops, Founders, Pastors, Deacons, Elders, Deaconesses, Apostles, Evangelists, Daddies and Mummies in the Lord, Prophets and Teachers) use this scriptural verse above wrongly, selfishly, deceptively and primarily to protect themselves from any harsh criticism, rebellion, rejection or opposition from their gullible, ignorant and vulnerable followers.

They use this scripture to put their followers in perpetual religious and financial bondage and in the so called the fear of God or the God's terrible anger of destruction if ever they dare rise up against their leadership or challenge any of their actions or decisions.

They also use this scripture as a protective gear that allows them to continue to teach their unbiblical doctrine, financial deception and exploitation of their followers and to continue to enjoy their greed and selfish lifestyles of flamboyancy unchallenged by their followers and givers.

This scripture was given by God in the Old Testament era specifically for the nation of Israel under the Old Covenant or under the the direct rule of God upon his chosen nation that is known theologically as "theocracy". Under the Old Testament Covenant, God anointed only three sets of persons. These individuals were set apart (sanctification) for the divine use of God on behalf of the entire nation of Israel.

The three anointed vessels of God in the Old Covenant were the priests, kings and prophets. This dispensation was the era of various kings, high priests, priests, major prophets and minor prophets. These kings, priests and prophets were the divine intermediaries between God of Israel and the people of Israel. The God of Israel spoke through these divine vessels directly to Israel. Israel's only avenue or access to God in the Old Testament was through these priests, kings and prophets.

Any rebellion or rejections against these priests, prophets and kings were grave acts of rebellion against God directly and against his perfect will or plan for Israel. These acts of rebellion were immediately met with God's burning anger, punishments, destructions and deaths against those rebels. The Old Testament is full of cases of deaths, destructions and divine punishments for all acts of rebellion against these prophets, priests and kings in Israel under the Old Covenant age.

In this New Testament Covenant or the Church Age. All believers in the person and in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary mountains are now all anointed by the Holy Spirit of God as kings and priests unto God forever. These are no longer priests, kings and prophets specially set apart like in the Old Testament era. 

Every believer can now approach God directly through Jesus Christ the Lord. The throne of grace and mercy or the holy of holies is now accessible to all believers through simple child-like faith in the blood of Jesus Christ. That scripture has no place nor relevance again in this Church Age. It has fulfilled its primary purpose for Israel and in Israel under the Old Covenant era and and it is now completely absolute, irrelevant or outdated in this New Testament era or the Church Age.

 "Saying, Touch not my anointed, and do my prophets no harm" - 1 Chronicles 16:22.


  1. This article has information that should open the minds of many.

  2. we are the anointed of GOD, that much is true, but that scripture does still have reference to us, yes we are the protected of GOD, and the world is being warned to not us any harm, and not to be touched. because there will be consequences to doing harm to GOD's children, us. Revelation is explicit on that.

  3. Temujin Sy is absolutely correct! Just because we can approach God directly does not mean that the Prophets, meaning those put apart from God with the Gift of Prophecy (even in the NEW TESTAMENT)do not exist any longer. We are here! Yes, there are severe consequences for those who rebel against God's Word, especially if it is against those who are (in our modern times) anointed by Him to speak on His behalf by the Power and Gifts granted through the dispensation of the Holy Spirit.

  4. But what if the preaching of those who claim to be anointed by Him does not line up with the scriptures and you tell them that or you out right criticize them for leading people in the wrong direction? Does that mean touching God's anointed and doing them harm? If they are anointed by Him to speak on His behalf and by the Power and Gifts granted through the dispensation of the Holy Spirit. If they truly submit and are empowered by the Holy Spirit they would not say things that do not line up with the Scriptures like "name it claim it and get it," which is not in the bible and many others things that evangelist say today that do not line up with the scripture. Do not forget that the Devil can quote the scripture too but leave out parts.

    "Should Christians judge the teachings of their leaders?

    Not only is judging permissible, it is our responsibility. Nobody’s teachings are above sound judgment—especially those of influential leaders! Biblically, authority and accountability go hand in hand (cf. Luke 12:48). The greater the responsibility one holds, the greater the accountability (cf. James 3:1). First, the precedent for making right judgments comes from Scripture itself. In […]" by Hank Hanegraaff, the Bible Answer Man. He has a book that elaborates well on such false teachers.

  5. Please take some time and read "The Osteenification of American Christianity" in which Hank explains how Joel Osteen’s false teaching, Scripture twisting, and prosperity message has unfortunately had a tremendous impact on the culture.

  6. I Believe that when you give your understanding of This particular passage you have single out False Prophets in this age when you gave your definition I AGREE AND Disagree because Sir you are in Error There are no Deaconess in the Bible Iam a Prophet And can see Clearly into where you are going God never called no woman to Preach If you are inferior one place please examine the rest New Testament Age has A Five fold Ministry Second Prophets for what reason for the perfecting of the Saints

  7. Amen! I'm curious as to if you see the connection like I do, of idol worship and those who use this verse to justify following those who are in false teaching. I feel like every time I mention in conversation, whether in person or on social media, false teaching this scripture gets thrown in my face to defend their favorite false teacher. I feel like I'm touching their golden calf and I got caught touching their idol. Most recently, that Idol was Bethel church because I mentioned their connection and endorsement of occult practices, like tarot reading and mysticism with frequencies and light, auras and the like. I just feel like not only do the false teachers spout that verse but their followers do as well.
    Could you go more in depth. I'm researching this myself for my own blog on Spiritual abuse. I've been involved in two spiritually abusive churches and have written my story. The first church was clear cut word of Faith and I was there for 5 years. The second church was Emergent church movement with NAR undertones. I was there only for a year and I started to see the obvious false teaching creep in and the abuse of power was pretty rampant although still pretty hidden and behind the scenes. I just find this is the go to verse for false teachers wanting to protect themselves and for their followers to defend their sacred golden cows. Care to share your thoughts?
