Friday, November 18, 2011


The America's extreme capitalism that is based on corporate greed, unlimited profits and lack of human face is crumbling today under the weight of the 99% movement. This political movement known as the "Occupy Wall Street" that is backed up heavily by the 99% of Americans is growing in its leaps and bounds. Today, more than 360 cities across the 50 states of America felt their impacts heavily. This movement of the middle class and the poor Americans are fully determined to fight against corporate greed, corrupt Washington DC politics and for economic justice and fairness for all Americans.

At the moment, 14 million Americans are unemployed, another 10 million Americans are under-employed and 10 million home owners are under water and face foreclosures. The wealth of the top 1% or 425,000 richest Americans have grown by over 300% in the last 30 years  and now controls 40% of the nation's wealth, while the wealth of the middle class Americans or 99% movement grew by only 20% in the same period.

The six richest banks in America today (Bank of America,  J. P. Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley) controls 70% of the nation's GDP or $8 trillion. The corporations in America are today sitting on an idle cash of over $2 trillion that if invested into this struggling economy, this investments will create millions of jobs for the unemployed Americans.

This movement has shaken the powers that be to their cores in the America's powerful political and economic systems. This movement has come to stay and will play a role in the midterm and the presidential elections of 2012. This movement is a replica of the civil rights movement in the 1960s that changed America for good. Time will surely tell.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Who was commanded by God according to the Bible to tithe? Was it the Nation of Isreal, under the Old Testament or Covenant (The Jews) or the Church, the Body of Jesus Christ that is now under the New Testament or Covenant (The Christians)?

The People of Isreal paid a GENERAL TITHE to the LEVITES (Numbers 18:21). The LEVITES paid a GENERAL TITHE to the PRIESTS (Numbers 18:25-31). People of ISREAL kept a TITHE for their ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE to Jerusalem (Deut 14:22-26). The people of Isreal paid a tithe to the POOR, ORPHANS and WIDOWS (Deut 14:28-29). ALL these were MANDATORY tithes for the Nation of Isreal (The Jews) ONLY under the Old Testament.

The first FIVE BOOKS of the Bible are called the LAW of MOSES, which was given by God for the DAILY LIFE of Nation of Isreal (The Jews) by God. Tithing was MANDATORY and COMMANDED in the LAW of MOSES for ISREAL in the Old Covenant. Tithing was a major component of the Law of Moses and cannot be separated from the Law of Moses. The Law of Moses was abolished, set aside and replaced by the NEW COVENANT that is sealed with the precious blood of JESUS CHRIST at cross at Calvary that now EXCLUDED TITHING for all the CHURCH AGE BELIEVERS.

God commanded ISREAL under the Law of Moses (Old Covenant to tithe). From biblical and historical records, ISREAL lived in the era of FARMING ECONOMY and IRON AGE TECHNOLOGY. Prosperity teachers teach erroneously that devourer will destroy the finances of any CHURCH AGE BELIEVERS that refuse to TITHE. The DEVOURERS of ISREAL were the LOCUSTS that destroyed their CROPS.

Prosperity preachers justified their demand for tithes from their followers and givers as the only means through which the gospel is financed or preached worldwide. From the day of Pentecost to the end of the Book of Revelation, there is no single evidence of tithing in the early church, yet the gospel was preached worldwide in the first century era. Is tithing trully part of this New Testament or the Church Age? Check the revealed truth of the Bible for the answer.

Monday, November 7, 2011


 Daily insecurity of life and properties of all Nigerians and her residents continue unabated under the watch of Jonathan Goodluck, the president of Nigeria and the commander-in-chief of her armed forces. The primary and the constitutional responsibility of the Nigerian government is to protect the life and the properties of all Nigerian citizens and her residents with the state resources in their possession. This is the fundamental reason why we have government in place and also pay our taxes to keep that government running. 

In the last few months, hundreds of innocent Nigerians have been murdered in cold blood by the so called "Boko Haram", a terrorist organization that is hiding under the disguise of Islam. These murderers are today walking freely on our streets without any arrests or legal prosecutions. These murderers continue to threaten all innocent and law-abiding Nigerians with more deaths and destructions to come. 

Why is Nigerian government unable to use her enormous state resources and security apparatus to protect all Nigerians and her residents against the menace of the so called Boko Haram? Is Nigerian government helpless and powerless against this terrorist organization? Is this a sign of a failed state or government in the making? Nigerians from all walks of life may now have to take the law into their own hands to protect themselves against Boko Haram if the government that they elected and supported with their taxes under the leadership of Jonathan Goodluck cannot do that for them. Time marches on in life despite all odds in Nigeria as a nation.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


 As the American 2012 presidential elections draw closer daily, the key players in this game of politics from both political parties are all very busy criss-crossing the 50 states and making their cases and their positions known on the most important issues to the all American voters who will elect the next occupant of the White House.

The most important question to be asked about 2012 presidential election is this:What are the most important issues to the American voters today? The following issues are primary and fundamental to all American voters in 2012 presidential election.

(i) Jobs, Jobs and Jobs:The national unemployment rate today stands at 9% at the moment with 14 million Americans unemployed and another 10 million Americans are under-employed. The economy must produce at least 200,000 new jobs to bring down the present unemployment rate to below 5%.
(ii) Economy, Huge Debt and Deficits:America's foreign debt today stands at $14.5 trillion with yearly huge deficits that are no longer sustainable. The revenue that is generated today by the government through the IRS is far less that government spending. The biggest challenge to the next occupier of the Oval Office is how to generate more revenue. The two political parties are divided about this issue. GOP wants cut to Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security and all government financed entitlement programs. The Democrat wants tax increase on the top 1% of the richest Americans and the corporations as well as a deep cut to defence spending.
(iii) Fair Tax Systems:The top 1% of the richest Americans and the corporations control more than 70% of the nation's wealth and their incomes have grown by more than 200% in the last 30 years compared with the middle-class and the poor Americans who had a mere growth of about 30%. The top income earners and corporations pay less in taxes and have enjoyed tax break that they did not need or asked for in the first instance since 2002.
(iv) Immigration:America's immigration system is totally broken and needed an immediate reform to fix it. Today, there are between 12-20 million illegal immigrants in this country according to many reliable estimates. The illegal aliens are not paying taxes, not in our national systems and putting financial pressure on our social services and public infrastructures.
(v) Terrorism and Foreign Wars:Who can truly keep this country safe from the domestic and international terrorists who plan daily on attacking Americans and our national interests around the world? How do will bring these two foreign wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to a final end? America has spent over $1 trillion in these two wars and lost about 5,000 precious Americans.
(vi) Occupy Wall Street:These political protests against corporate greed that started about 5 weeks ago have now reached close to 300 America's major cities and commercial nerve centers and with no sign of it abating. These protesters will definitely have a say in the midterm and the presidential elections of 2012.
(vii) Abortion and Gay Rights:Americans are heavily divided politically along pro-choice, pro-life and the gay rights issues in this country. These issues listed above will play a major role in the way Americans will vote in 2012 for their president.
The battle line is now drawn and these six issues are the key factors to look out for in the 2012 presidential election slated for November 11, 2011. For now the race for the White House is in full swing and only time will tell who will be the next occupier of the Oval Office.

Friday, November 4, 2011


A major intra-party crisis is looming within the Republican Party of America over the allegations of the sexual harassment against Herman Cain, the party's presidential front runner. Mr. Cain has accused Governor Perry's campaign as the prime culprit behind this huge political scandal. Mr Perry's campaign in turn pointed their own accusing finger at Governor Romney's campaign and Mr. Romney denied any knowledge about the origin of this scandal. Mr. Cain has too made many incoherent comments about these allegations to date.

Is Herman Cain speaking the truth on these matter? Why is Herman playing a blame-game tactics instead of owning up as a man and the suspected culprit? Who is behind this sexual scandal? Is it the POLITICO, the newspaper that broke the news to the whole world or Governor Perry or Governor Romney or the Democratic Party or a typical case of the 21st century High-Tech Lynching against a major black conservative or the left-wing media and their commentators?

These scandals appear to be harmless at the moment against Herman Cain. His campaign has brought in over $1.2 million since Sunday this week when these allegations were first revealed by the POLITICO newspaper. Mr. Cain also continues to be ahead in the polls conducted during this crisis. Will Mr. Cain survive this scandal? For now all hands on deck. Only time can tell.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Mr Herman Cain  today is facing the two biggest political battles of his life, which are the current allegations of sexual harassment made against him by many women and the new accusation of taking illegal financial contribution to his campaign organization from a non-profit and tax-exempt organization, Prosperity USA, which may violate the current federal election and campaign laws. A totally defiant Herman Cain accused Governor Rick Perry of Texas, his GOP opponent of engineering a dirty campaign to destroy his presidential dream, as more accusations emerged on Wednesday that Mr. Cain made more unwanted sexual overtures to women when he headed the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s as its CEO.

Meanwhile, Herman Cain’s presidential campaign accepted tens of thousands of dollars in goods and services from a tax-exempt organization (Prosperity USA) founded by his current chief of staff. If these allegations are found to be true at the end of the day, these expenditures would violate federal election and campaign laws, which prohibit tax-exempt groups from engaging in any political activity or contributing to election campaigns. Will Herman Cain survive the biggest political battles of his political life or not? Is Herman Cain going, going and gone this time around? Time only will tell.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Herman Cain was accused of sexual harassment by two former female employees that worked for him when he was the CEO of the National Restaurant Association ten years ago, These cases never went to court or jury for trials, it was handled internally by the organization with a five-figure monetary settlement each for his accusers and a non-disclosure agreement. Herman Cain in the last 72 hours have made a lot of contradictory statements on these allegations before he press. He has also lost the official big endorsement of the National Rifle Association. This development at the end of the day will single-handedly either mar or make Herman Cain's presidential run in the GOP for the White House in 2012.

Since this scandal was first made known to the whole world by the POLITCO Newspaper exactly three days ago now. Herman Cain has of today given five totally different incoherent responses to his interviewers at the major cable television networks about these allegations. Are these incoherent responses from Herman Cain and his staffers the best practical approach to a damage control in a political campaign? Will Mr. Cain survive these allegations this time around? Will he fall from his leading position in the GOP polls in the next few days or weeks to come? Will the religious rights and the Tea Party elements in the GOP withdraw their political support for him or not? Are we seeing the end of his run for the White House? Is Herman Cain handling these allegations of sexual harassment properly? Is this a case of high-technolocy lynching in the 21st century against a major conservative black candidate in the GOP? Time will surely tell.