Tuesday, December 25, 2012


If tithing as it is loudly proclaimed and taught today by the so called prosperity preachers is a divine mandate and a biblical requirement in the New Covenant or in the Church Age for Christians, then the following things would have happened in the Holy Bible:(i) Jesus Christ would have either tithed once or regularly and he would have commanded tithing to be observed by his Church (his bride) as a mandatory divine practice and a divine mandate for the Christian way of life. (ii) The 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ would have continued this practice throughout the Early Church in both the Jewish and the Gentile dominated Churches beginning from Jerusalem. 

(iii) The Early Church would have continued to practice tithing on regularly basis instead of voluntary givings that are seen, visible, documented and recorded in both the Jewish and the Gentile Churches throughout the New Testament Bible. (iv) There are no biblical evidences of tithing anywhere in the Epistles or the Letters that were written to the local Churches of the then 1st century world in the New Testament Bible. (iv) To command Christians to tithe when Jesus Christ and the New Testament Scriptures did not command it and by making tithing holy, required, mandatory, divine and sacred is simply an extrabiblical revelation that is a good example of a false doctrine or the teaching of men that is primarily designed and packaged together for financial returns to the preachers at the expense of those ignorant tithers.

Every man according as he purposes in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful giver - 2 Corinthians 9:7.

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