Thursday, December 27, 2012


Was Jesus Christ financially and materially wealthy in his earthly ministry about 2,000 years ago as it is boldly and falsely claimed or promoted today by the preachers of the so called prosperity gospel all over the world? What is the biblical truth about Jesus' wealth? Was Jesus Christ rich by the conventional standards that were used in Palestine 2,000 years ago to judge the wealth of the wealthy individuals in that society? Did Jesus Christ own those material things that were publicly and privately associated with the wealthy 2,000 years ago in Palestine? Why did Jesus Christ borrow many things from the other people in his earthly ministry that the rich people of his days will never have borrowed because they would be able to afford them or they would had had them already? Why was Jesus Christ buried in another man's tomb if he was truly wealthy?

Why did the New Testament Bible never referred to Jesus Christ once as a wealthy preacher or a super-rich teacher. But the same New Testament Scriptures called some of the people that were associated with Jesus Christ on earth or came to him privately as wealthy secret disciple or a wealthy young ruler respectively? Why did Jesus Christ make a statement that no wealthy man would ever make:(foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the son of Man has no place to lay his head)?

If Jesus Christ was truly wealthy as it is falsely claimed by many today, then Jesus Christ would have left behind a lot of money and material things for his own family and his 12 Apostles to inherit on earth. Did Jesus Christ own businesses and other money making means of production like (farms, plantations, servants, cattle ranches, horse ranches, etc) that could have made him wealthy like the rich people of his days in Palestine? Why did Jesus Christ pay the minimum required taxes that were normally paid by the ordinary Roman citizens to the Roman government if he was truly wealthy or rich? Why did Jesus Christ do a miracle to get his own tax money by commanding one of his disciples to go fishing and to catch the first fish and then open the mouth of that fish caught in order to get the required tax money for himself and that disciple?

"And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head" - Luke 9:58.

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