Saturday, January 8, 2011


This body of truth in Mark 10:28-30 reads: "Then Peter spoke up, “We have left everything to follow you!” Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel  will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields along with persecutions and in the age to come eternal life.". This is "one of the scriptural foundations upon which the prosperity gospel and its their teachings are built, sustained and propagated worldwide".

"These above named scriptures are used by the prosperity gospel teachers to justify a number of things that they do and to make monetary and material demands from their fans and followers". Firstly, they teach that "every giver of money will receive a hundredfold return". Mathematically, it means a $1 that is given by a giver would yield $100 back as its return, a $10 that is given will return $1,000 to the giver, $1,000 will bring back $100,000,  $100,0000 will return $10,000,000, and $10,000,000 with make you an instant trillionaire in dollar. At "the sixth given, every giver will become a trillionaire in any global currency used in the given and in any countries or economies in which the giver resides or lives at the time of his or her giving".

Secondly, they teach that "giving is the only way in this life through which a giver could get an abundant returns on his or her given". This teaching implies that a giver does not need to do anything else to get an abundant return but to simply give his or her money". This doctrine "indirectly opposes all forms of legal employment, trading or businesses that are known worldwide as the conventional avenues through which incomes are earned globally by workers and employers of labour for thousands of years now".

Thirdly, these prosperity preachers use the scripture in Mark 10:28-30 "to justify the reasons why poverty still exist, prevails or is still very rampant amongst their large fans and followers. They attributes their "poverty to their refusal to give their money or lack of money to give whenever giving is demanded from them".

Fourtly, prosperity teachers use those scriptural verses in Mark 10:28-30 "to further justify the visible and the glaring massive lack and want amongst their teeming supporters who had given over and over for many years and do not have anything leftover to give", These givers never receive any financial abundance back from all their months and years of giving. They have nothing to show for their years of giving. The money teachers attribute all these to "lack of faith on the part of the givers in God and their refusal to believe God for their promised.return". They also teach that "believers who do not have a return to show for their givings are sinful, rebellious and are ungodly in their life and daily conducts".

Fifthly, "this strange and unbiblical doctrine about money and materialism make giving to become a financial investment", "God then becomes a lottery machine or a casino machine" and the "whole essence of the finished work and the person of Jesus Christ is for believers to become financially and materially wealthy in this life".

If this hundredfold doctrine that is used by the prosperity preachers is to be taken literally. Then "tithers and givers in the prosperity movement will be multibillionaires and trillionaires". "Givers who gave and followed this doctrine of  hundredfold will be the richest group of people ever known in the entire human history".

"Prosperity-based churches will be richer than the governments over the nations of the world that legally control  and are incharge of the national economies of their own countries, as well as the multinational corporations that control the globally trade".

This "type of financial investment will be the world's most profitable venture known to mankind". "Banks, stock markets, money markets, real estate investments, bonds, CDs, gold investments and all other forms of investments known to man today for centuries will all suddenly collapse and vanish into the thin air finally". Then, "the governments over the nations of the world and people of the world will become helpless, hopeless and penniless, and the only hope for survival that will be left financially for mankind will be the "Hundredfold Returns".

The Relevant Bible Verses:

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver - 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV Translation).

He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want - Proverbs 22:16.

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