Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Everything in life is timed to last for a moment, a specific period in natureand never forever. Everything in life has a beginning, a starting point or an origin, as well as a final end. Time which is a measurable physical quantity as well as the measured interval between two distinct life events or occurences remain the most important factor in life or nature.

Time in life is dynamic, it is always forward going, backwards never and does not wait in life for all human and nature's activities. Time makes all the differences in life in all things. Things that happen in life are all time dependent. The key differences between life events are time based or time controlled.

Time is no respecter of persons and cannot be controlled by humans and nature. Time is always going forward under all circumstances of life and nature. Time lost can never be regained. Man is powerless as far as controlling time is concerned. Time can only be used wisely in life for each individual user of time to enjoy the greatest benefits in life that it provides.

The Bible has these things to say about time:To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: - Ecclesiastes 3:1.

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