Saturday, January 8, 2011


"Prosperity Gospel" is a type of Christianity that is based primarily on money and materialism. The founders of this movement in the United States in the 1940s and today's pillars of this "sect in the Christendom" worldwide say that "God wants all believers in Christ Jesus to be financially rich and materially sufficient in this present life". This doctrine is unbiblical and it is also not practicable and realistic in the real world that we live.

The proponents of this strange and unbiblical form of Christianity say that the secret of financial abundance in the Christian way of life is through "giving" and these givings  must be based of "tithing and offerings" by the givers. "The more you give, the richer you become financially". This doctrine violates the "conventional principles and the traditional ways" in which mankind have made money and built wealth for thousands of years from the "era of agricultural economy to the inception of today's modern economy" around the world.

Prosperity Gospel is NOT the Gospel of Grace, Truth and Salvation. The self-invented teachings of men are NOT the sound biblical doctrine and the words of Jesus Christ. The hero-worshipping of " Mortal and Mere Men of God" are abominations to the living God. Legalism and work-oriented salvation CANNOT save. FAITH alone in the finished work of Jesus Christ saves.

Jesus Christ the pillar of the Christian faith "never preached this type of gospel of wealth" in the entire records and accounts of his earthly ministry as recorded in the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, as well as in the book of the Acts of the Apostles after his resurrection from the dead before his final ascension to heaven. Jesus Christ "did not tithe and never commanded tithing to be practiced or observed by his followers or his Church".

"The Apostles of Jesus Christ in the Early Church from their historical accounts based on the Scriptural records of their earthly Christian ministries as recorded in the four gospels, the book of the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles never preached nor practiced this type of Christianity of money and material wealth". They were never recorded to have tithed once, periodically or regularly.

The "first century Christians or the Early Church did not practice this type of Christianity" based on the full records of their Christian way of life and activities as seen and recorded in the Book of the Acts of Apostles and the Epistles. They never practiced "tithing" at all.

"This type of Christianity is based of greed, lust, deception, love of money and materialism". It is unscriptural and does not agree with the words and teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ. "This unbiblical doctrine is designed to make the prosperity preachers richer at the expense of the givers". It is also designed "to target the weak, the poor, the vulnerable, the ignorant, the helpless, the hopeless and the most desperate members of our society".

The "only testimony from these prosperity preachers to their followers or fans is money, more money and material things of life in their own life and not in the life of their givers". The "lifestyle that they promise their givers for giving is the lifestyle that they live daily at the expense of their givers and supporters". They tell their givers "to sow their money as a seed of faith and then trust God for the abundant returns or breakthroughs", but in all reality, "these preachers do not practice what they preach".

Their "only hope for existence in life and ministry" are those regularly collected "fat offering bags" at their churches and meetings. This is the "highest form of hypocrisy, exploitation and deception" that I have seen under the sun using the banner and the holy name of Jesus Christ the Lord and Saviour of Mankind.

Relevant Bible Verses:

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver - 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV Translation).

He that oppresses the poor to increase his riches, and he that gives to the rich, shall surely come to want - Proverbs 22:16.

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ - 2 Corinthians 11:13.

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