Wednesday, January 12, 2011


America as a nation reflects its diversities in the union of her many races, language groups, ethnic nationalities, religion beliefs, political ideologies, economic theories and social affliation as a nation that was built on politics of compromise. This politics of compromise is further reflected in the US Constitution, her political history as an involving nation and in the words, actions and decisions of our past and present leaders.

The party politics of political ideologies of the right and that of left have divided this nation into the liberal camp, the independent camp and the conservative group. Every political ideology claims to have the best answers to our national and common challenges as a nation. Our politics is so polarized across our democratic institutions to the extent that nothing works in Washington.

Our politicians and public elected officials put their political party affliations and loyalty above the nation in the discharge of their duties. The US Congress remains too divided, too polarized and too uncompromising  that it reflects a lame-duck congress continuously.

The present political arrangements in Washington will require our elected officials to promote and practice in all reality the principle of compromise, and move across their party lines and ideologies if any thing good would ever be done in the US Congress on behalf of American voters that sent these elected officials to Washington DC primarily to work for them.

The Democrats control the executive arm of the government and the US House of Senate, while the Republicans have a big majority in the US House of Representatives. These political arrangements in the nation's capital is a big pointer to an impeding political stalemate that will do no one any good at the end of the day.

The present economic challenges, high unemployment rate and the collapsing housing market call for our politicians to bury their political differences for now until the election season of 2012 and focus primarily on how to move this great union forward for betterment on behalf of all Americans and her residents.

This nation was founded and built on politics of compromise, and was susbstained by politics of compromise and can only survive into the future with greatness with the politics of compromise in its rightful place.

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