Tuesday, January 18, 2011


The development of the Internet technology was the biggest thing that has ever happened to the world in the 20th century. The positive effects of the Internet technology on the world in this 21st century is too enormous to comprehend. Our world keeps changing year in and year out because of the information technology. This technology has given everyone an unresisted access to information and as well as being kept updated or abreast with the daily global events around the world.

The tradition journalism dominated the world of news reporting and events for the last 2-3 centuries following the invention of the printing press technology in Europe. But today, a wave of global change and competition continue to sweep away whatever is left of the traditional journalism by the rapidly developing and expanding online journalism. In America in particular, and in the nations around the world, people now get most of their daily news online. The daily circulation numbers of the major newspapers and magazines around the world have fallen drastically in the last ten years. Their revenues have also gone done.

The leading source of news today around the world is via the tens of thousands online news sites. The rapid development and the big expansion of the online journalism today has broken the censorship of the traditional journalism on news reporting, as well as the monopoly of information, and the ways news are gathered about the daily occurring events, reported and presented to the news audiences or readers. The online news reporting has also broken the age long editorial opinions of the major traditional newspapers around the world. Online news readers can now have their own personal opinions about any news item heard in an unresisted manner on any major stories of the day on the online comment boxes.

The accelerated development of the online journalism has given birth to an era of junk journalism. The Internet today has provided everyone who is a news junkie an avenue, as well as an unresisted access to host an online news website cheaply, contribute their personal opinions to news, without all the legal requirements and the financial cost needed when you set up a traditional newspaper.

As we move further and further into this 21st century, the traditional journalism will continue to fade away, and the online journalism will continue to dominate the news landscape like a colossus. The era of news monopoly and the censorship by traditional journalism may be over. Ordinary people of the world may now become our reliable army of junk journalists that will constantly provide the news-hungry world with daily events of our 21st century world.

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