Sunday, January 9, 2011


Christianity or the Christian faith as seen and defined in the Bible must be 'based and rooted in the complete trust and total reliance on the finished work and the person of Jesus Christ the Lord".

"The Bible remains the one, the only final authority and the divine guidance for the entire Christian faith, beliefs or mandates". The central personality of this saving grace of God that is made available to all members of the human race is the Lord Jesus Christ.

"Any teaching, doctrine or a belief that promotes church denominations, philosophy of men, teachings of men, their personalities, human deeds and abilities above the supreme deity of Jesus Christ and the Scriptures undermines the power of the cross of Jesus Christ and the whole essence of the grace of God".

"In the entire history of mankind, Jesus Christ is unique in all things, he has no equals or comparisons, his gospel is also universal in nature and is needed by all members of the human family to be eternally saved or redeemed by God".
The birth of Jesus Christ, his earthly life, his death on the cross at Calvary, his burial, his resurrection and his ascension into eternal glory "were all the direct and total fulfillment of several prophecies from God's major and minor prophets of the Old Testament".

"He was born without the natural and the traditional sexual intercourse between a man and a woman". He lived a perfect and a sinless life, he said what nobody ever said, he did what nobody ever did, he demonstrated his deity over all the forces of life and nature. He raised the death, cast out demons or evil spirits, cleaned the lepers, calmed a storm, walked on water and fed thousands with a loaf of bread and two pieces of fish with several baskets of leftovers or remains.

"He died and he was buried for our sins according to the Scriptures". He then resurrected from the dead, appeared to over 500 witnesses for over 40 days. He finally ascended into glory and he is now seated at the right hand of God the Father as our intercessor and advocate. He will return for the rapture of his Church and for his bride (the believers both dead and alive at the time of his second coming). "Do you know him personally? This moment is your day of salvation and the next moment is not promised. Consider Jesus Christ today".

The Relevant Bible Verses:

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast - Ephesians 2:8-9.

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ - 2 Corinthians 11:13.

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