Friday, July 26, 2013


The acquittal of George Zimmerman in his murder trial by the Florida jury over the killing of the 17 years old black boy, Trayvon Martin has now joined the list of the important national issues that have divided Americans into two different camps. Every facet of the American society today is divided over this murder trial and the final acquittal of George Zimmerman by the Florida jury. This trial has divided the entire news media, bloggers, radio talk shows, opinion makers and the talking heads on the popular cable televisions into two separate camps. The social networking sites, the Facebook, Twitter and the rest are also divided over this acquittal, with one side standing up with George Zimmerman and the other side backing Trayvon Martin. The six-women jury that decided the final fate of George Zimmerman by acquitting him of both the manslaughter charge as well as the second degree murder charge are now heavily divided today over their unanimous decision to free this accused murderer. The public opinion in America is also heavily divided today across the 50 states over this trial and the final acquittal of George Zimmerman. 

The massive protests and the rallies that followed this acquittal immediately it was announced across the major cities of America showed clearly that Americans from all the races, ethnic groups, ages, national origins, religious faiths and genders are all divided over this acquittal. The well attended protests that were held a week later in front of the federal courts in over 100 plus major cities across America showed a big line of division over the acquittal of George Zimmerman. The members of the United States Congress were equally divided over this acquittal. The over one million plus signatures from Americans that were collected by the NAACP in less than 24 hours after the acquittal Of George Zimmerman and were forwarded to the Federal Justice Department to carry out its own investigation on George Zimmerman for possible civil rights and hate crime violations showed the division in America today over the acquittal of George Zimmerman. The White House was also involved with the acquittal of George Zimmerman with the statement that President Barack Obama released the night of the acquittal of George Zimmerman and his unannounced race relations speech that followed few days later.

This deep division in America today points to a nation that is not yet a color-blind society or a perfect union of the different human races in one society of equality. This division has also opened up the old wounds of the brutal history of the racial injustices in America in 2013. This division also points directly to a criminal justice system that is still one-sided in the delivery of its justice. A justice system that puts the color of the skin of an American above the available legal evidences. This division over the acquittal of George Zimmerman also pointed further to the visible evidences of over-arresting, over-trial, over-sentencing and over-incarceration of the people of color in America today by this criminal justice system. The Americans today and the Americans yet to be born will all continue to be divided over the trial and the final acquittal of George Zimmerman for the killing of Trayvon Martin for many, many years to come.

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