Monday, July 15, 2013


The legal acquittal of George Zimmerman by the jury in the state of Florida last Saturday night has further reinforced the total lack of no trust and no confidence that the Black America has in the America's criminal justice system for centuries plus its historical precedence of intentionally denying the Black Americans their fair trials and equal justice. Americans from all walks of life remained heavily divided today over this controversial case and the questionable jury's decision. The legal verdict of the jury last Saturday is now competing side by side with the more popular judgement from the America's court of public opinion in the minds and in the hearts of all Americans for decades to come.

How do we merge this great racial division over our criminal justice system in America together into one single entity for a more just and perfect union? What is the way forward in a divided nation over the issue of race? Will Black America ever have trust in the America's criminal justice system and the local police departments across this nation again in our lifetime? How do will stop racial profiling by the America's police organizations against minorities in America? How do we eliminate this national culprit which is race from the America's criminal justice system in our lifetime? Why are Black Americans over-arrested, over-prosecuted and over-sentenced in the America's criminal justice system today in 2013?

In conclusion:will America ever become a nation of color-blindness in our lifetime? Are we as Americans ever going to live together in a country where the contents in the heart of a man will be used to judged him instead of the colors of his skin, hair and eyes? Are we ever going to have a criminal justice system where every American can trust 100% for equality of justice no matter the color of the skin or the race of any American that is charged before it? The only way in my own judgement that this national wound will be healed slowly in the nearest future is to have a national law in this country against police profiling and a criminal justice system that is based on truth and justice for all Americans.

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