Sunday, June 30, 2013


The political future of the Grand Old Party of America as a very viable national political party depends totally on the current comprehensive immigration bill that the House of Senate just passed. This bill is expected to give about 11 million undocumented immigrants that are presently living in America the paths to legalization and American citizenship respectively. If this bill is turned down by the Tea Party ideologues, the followers of the doctrine of the American nativism, the promoters of the religious rights and the devotees of the birther movement with the primary purpose of pleasing their own electoral constituencies and for their future political survival in the 2014 mid-term elections which do not reflect or represent the majority public opinion in a demographically changing American society of today. Then, these House Republican members will force the Republican Party of America to commit its political suicide that may prevent it as a political organ from seeing the White House again in our lifetime.

The presidential  election results of 2012 showed clearly that the Republican Party of America or the GOP is moving gradually toward a regional, a southern and most likely an old white men and women only party. With this political development, the GOP may never win the White House again in our lifetime if the party continues on their current retrogressive political path and the highly divisive political ideologies that are not nationally popular or accepted in America of today and mostly likely in the future America to come. 

The current electoral data from the 2012 presidential demographics in America showed clearly that no political party again in America can win the White House with the white-only votes easily. Furthermore, no political party can win the White House again without winning the substantial and significant votes of the Latino-Americans, the young Americans, the young women and the African-Americans. The rapidly growing Latino-American population in the states of Texas, Georgia and Arizona may likely turn those states in the 2016 or 2020 presidential elections from their stable traditional red states for the GOP into the battle ground states. At the moment also in America, about 50,000 to 60,000 Latino-Americans are turning into the voting age of 18 years every month or  wabout 3 to 4 millions

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