Tuesday, June 25, 2013


The decision of the Supreme Court of America this afternoon to vote down the historical Voting Rights Act of 1965 in its majority decision is an attempt by the highest court of the land to rewrite the bitter history of racial discrimination against the American minorities during voting and also another attempt to wipe out the entire political gain of the America's civil rights struggles that have made voting the constitutional right of all Americans from all backgrounds. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 has successfully prevented states from changing election registration requirements at state levels and putting barriers that will make it difficult for some Americans from voting by exercising their constitutional rights in all elections. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 requires Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia, Alaska, Arizona, and parts of seven other states to receive “pre-clearance” from either the attorney general or federal judges before making changes to voting laws.

Is Chief Justice Roberts of the United States Supreme Court now officially telling America in 2013 that racism or racial discrimination in voting practices is now official dead? Is America now a 100% color blind society that American minorities should not be protected by the federal law (voting rights act of 1965) any longer from all forms of voting discriminations? America's democracy can only survive in this 21st century human universe in a rapidly changing voting demographics if it is truly all inclusive in all reality. I hope the United States Congress will immediately pass another voting rights bill into law that will overturn the judgement of the United States Supreme Court this afternoon and then restores the constitutional rights of all Americans from all races, ethnicities, languages, national origins and cultures to be part and parcel of this beautiful American representative democracy in all reality.

Chief Justice Roberts of the United States Supreme Court must be leaving in a non-realistic America in his majority ruling this afternoon that declared America for the first time since its founding in 1776 as a nation that is now 100% color blind in 2013 because of the historical presidency of Barack Obama in the White House and the rapidly changing voting demographics in the United States. This man has attempted to rewrite history this afternoon through the Supreme Court by legally killing the Voting Rights Act that the United States Congress passed unanimously into law in 1965 and also attempted to destroy the whole gain of the American civil rights movement. This Voting Rights Act has successfully prevented a number of southern states from discriminating against the people of color in those states in all the local, state and federal elections in America from 1965 to date.

In conclusion, Americans from all the races, ethnic groups, cultures and religious faiths will now mobilize together beginning from today to change the composition of the United States Congress in the 2014 midterm election by putting in members that will protect the legal rights of all Americans to vote freely in all elections at the local, state and federal levels. Today's decision of this apex court is not the end of this issue as time marches forward in America despite all these odds against the free right of all Americans to vote in all elections.

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