Friday, June 21, 2013


Playing politics or the ability to win any elective position in a working representative democracy is a game of popular choice and majority decision that are reflected in terms of numbers. The biggest political questions in America today as far as the White House is concerned in 2016 are simply these:who will be the next occupant of the White House in 2016? Will the White House return to the GOP or not in 2016? Will the Democratic Party continue its presidency beyond 2016 in the White House? Who will run for the White House in the Democratic Party in 2016? Will Hilary Clinton run or not in 2016? If Hilary Clinton decides to run for the White House:will she win or not in 2016? Can the GOP stop Hilary Clinton or not in 2016? Can any interested Democratic presidential candidates stop Hilary Clinton or not in 2016?

The presidential ambition of Hilary Clinton in 2016 faces five major political hurdles that she has to overcome in order for her to make history by becoming the first female President of the United States (the richest and the only superpower nation on earth today). These political hurdles are as follow:(i). Will Hilary Clinton decide to run or not to run for the White House in 2016? This is a personal decision that is beyond anyone's control outside her immediate family. (ii). Will Hilary Clinton be in an excellent state of physical health to be able to weather the stormy months of those hectic cross-country campaigns, rigorous television debates, probing media interviews and the needed fund raising?

(iii). Will Hilary Clinton survive the Democratic Party presidential primaries and caucuses with the other formidable candidates without terribly damaging her own political brand before 2016 presidential election? (iv). Will Hilary Clinton survive the highly formidable attack machines of the entire GOP from the radical Tea Party ideologues to the religious right to the followers of nativism to the birther movement and to the powerful establishment arm of this political engine? (v). Are American voters ready in this 21st century human universe to elect the first woman to the highest political office in the land and to change the over 200 years plus of the America's political history in 2016? As 2016 draws closer day by day, only time can tell.

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