Tuesday, April 16, 2013


The Christian faith is presented to the world today in many different colors that are not scriptural, biblical or bible-based in their origins or presentations. The Christian faith is preached and promoted from the satellite cable television channels, radio stations, internet websites, Church pulpits, Christian meetings, Christian books, Christian magazines or pamphlets in most cases that do not reflect the Bible-revealed and the grace-oriented eternal salvation plan of God for all mankind that are based on the person and the finished work of Jesus Christ.

The Christian faith as it is seen and defined in the Bible must be based primarily and must be rooted only in the complete trust as well as the total reliance on the finished work and the person of Jesus Christ the Lord. The Bible remains the only final authority and the only reliable or dependable divine guidance for the entire Christian faith, beliefs or mandates. The central personality of this saving grace of God that is made available to all the members of the human race is the Lord Jesus Christ.

Any teaching, doctrine or belief that promotes church denominations, prosperity gospel, personal philosophies of men, teachings of men, the persons or personalities of men, human deeds and abilities above the supreme deity of Jesus Christ and the authority of the Scriptures directly undermine the power of the cross of Jesus Christ and the whole essence of the grace of God.

A group of Christians in a town of Berea in the Early Church represented Christianity to the entire world forever in its true light and nature. Berean believers stood out forever as unique examples of Christians in the Early Church for many unique reasons. The Bible called them the "noble believers" which means the "spiritual nobles or the first-class citizens of the God's kingdom" in the Koine Greek, which was the original language of the New Testament Bible.

The Berean believers were teachable, lovers of the Bible and were excited daily and were also ready to learn from the Word of God and its divine truths or revelations. Their Christianity or their Christian faith was built on the sound Bible doctrine, the teachings and the words of Jesus Christ and never on the dogmas and teachings of men. They put the Word of God above the teachers of the Word of God. They hated heresies and were ready to challenge any false teachings and the false teachers with the biblical truth.

What is your Christianity or your Christian faith built upon? Are you a true follower of Jesus Christ in all reality or you follow the men of God? Why are you a Christian? Do you see Christianity as a means to your financial goals in life? Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour? Are you an example of a Berean Christian in today's world? Do you have the hope of eternal life? Do you practice the truths of the Scriptures or you follow heresies of men and organizations? Do you put heresies and heretic teachers above the sound biblical doctrine of the Bible and the Lordship of Jesus Christ?

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