Wednesday, April 24, 2013


President Barack Obama and the four living former America's presidents Jimmy Carter, George Bush Sr, Bill Clinton and George Bush Jr who is the celebrant will all assembly together with thousands of other Americans this week Thursday to witness the official launching of the Presidential Library and Museum of George Bush Jr who was in the White House from January 2001 to January 2009 on the campus of the Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. The money for this project came from private donors.

How will his presidency be remembered  by historians? What legacies did he leave behind that will continue to endure from one generation of Americans to another? Was his presidency in America a national disaster and a major accident of political history? Was American nation better of under his leadership for those eight years that he administered the national affairs of this country from the Oval office of the White House? How will this president be remembered beyond the shores of America? No matter what happens at the end of the day to this president, time, history and posterity that are the three truthful and reliable judges of all human leaders will now determine the rightful place of his presidency in America.

This president inherited a very vibrant national economy with less than 5% unemployment rate, a balanced federal budget coupled with a historical budget surplus of over $300 billion and a manageable foreign debt of about $5.5 trillion at the onset of his presidency. At the expiration of his presidency eight years later, he left America with the worst economic recession since the years of the Great Depression of the early 1930s. The national unemployment rate was over 8%, the national debt skyrocketed to $12 trillion, the housing market, the Wall Street banks and the historical American automobiles were near their final collapse and were all hanging on life support.

President George Bush Jr moved out of the White House in 2009 and left the American nation with two costly wars of choice in Iraq and Afghanistan that cost American nation hugely in both the precious human life and treasure as well as a battered international image around the world. President Georg Bush Jr implemented the No Child Left Behind educational act that was poorly financed and is now in the dustbin of history. He also started a very costly drug program for seniors (Medicare) that was not paid for that is still costing the federal government nearly $800 billion annually and is also contributing to our national deficit year in and year out. This president also gave tax break to the biggest American corporations and richest individuals that they did not ask for and which the nation could not afford. American government has continued to lose over $80 billion yearly in tax revenue to date from this tax break.

President George Bush Jr will never have another opportunity again in this life and in the White House to personally right all his wrongs for those eight years that he presided over the American nation, but his true legacies are now firmly and securely in the hands of historians and the history books to decide his true and rightful place in the history of the American presidency.

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