Saturday, February 23, 2013


The representative democracy and the party politics in America have divided this nation into the two major political camps on all the most important national and the international issues that America is facing today as a nation in this 21st century human universe. The two major and the national political parties, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party have both divided the American voters and the 50 states electoral map into the blues states for the Democrats, the red states for the GOP and the swing or the battleground states that can go to either of the two political parties in any statewide and national elections. 

The Republicans stands for the conservative ideologies of small government, low taxes for the richest Americans and the biggest corporations, strong military, aggressive militarized foreign policies, unregulated private sector of the national economy, cutting down on government spendings and social services. The Democratic promotes the middle class Americans, demands for fairer tax rates for all Americans including the rich Americans and the biggest corporations. The Democrats also want more federal regulations of the private sectors, diplomatic foreign policy agendas and the protection of the social safety net programs for the poor Americans. 

There is no single issue today in America that has not heavily divided this nation apart, from here politics to her politicians to her news media and to the entire national discourse or the public opinion. America is divided from her foreign wars to foreign debt to national deficits to Obamacare to women' rights to wage equality to gay rights to marriage equality to abortion rights to voting rights to illegal immigration to the failing public education to gun control to fairness in taxation to Supreme Court decisions to the exact interpretations of the US constitution to the US Congress and finally to the seat of the government in Washington, DC.

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