Thursday, February 3, 2011


Wikileaks is an international non-profit organisation that publishes secret, classified and private documents from undisclosed informants and news sources on its website for all that have access to the Internet to see freely. In November 2010, Wikileaks shocked the whole world when it began to publish over 250,000 foreign diplomatic cable documents of the United States Department of State.

That singular decision to reveal these highly sensitive and classified official documents of the American foreign policy objectives dealt a very big blow and a permanent damage to the American foreign policy goals since the end of the second world war around the world. Advocates of free speech, public accountability and openness in democratic governance around the world hailed this development as a victory for constitutional rule and unlimited free speech.

The United States government officials saw it in a different light for a number of reasons. Firstly, they think that these revelations from Wikileaks will promote anti-American tendencies around the world. Secondly, they believe that the information that was released that showed the official secret dealings of the American foreign diplomats around the world with other foreign governments will promote suspicion, mistrust and a permanent dent to the American diplomatic relationships around world. Thirdly, they believe that it will endanger the national security of American nation and her foreign interests and citizens around the world.

The advocates of free speech around the world saw this singular development differently for many reasons also. Firstly, they argue that democracy and constitutional rule in an open society requires our governments, elected public officials and the agents of those governments to practice openess in governance instead of secrecy, insincerity, and cover-ups about their actions and activities they carried out on behalf of the voters who elected them into power. Secondly, the government runs daily on the tax payers' monies, so these tax payers need to have faith, trust and confidence in their governments instead of mistrust from members of the public about their governments. Thirdly, they see this as a global victory in this 21st century for free speech, freedom of the press and censorship of vital state information by the governments of the nations and their media organisations.

Yesterday the whole world stood still in bewilderment when Snorre Valen, 24, a member of the Norwegian Socialist Left Party, announced his submission to the Nobel Committee Wednesday on his blog.  Snorre Valen nominated Wikileaks founder Julian Assange for the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize, saying his publication of thousands of secret government documents has helped to promote human rights, democracy and freedom of speech.
He wrote further on his blog about the reasons why he nominated Wikileaks founder Julian Assange for the world's most prestigious peace prize: "Wikileaks have contributed to the struggle for those very values globally, by exposing (among many other things) corruption, war crimes and torture -- sometimes even conducted by allies of Norway," 
"Most recently, by disclosing the economic arrangements by the presidential family in Tunisia, Wikileaks have made a small contribution to bringing down a 24-year-lasting dictatorship."

These documents released by Wikileaks in November of 2010 also dealt a powerful blow to many of the governments over the nations of the world from Africa to the Middle East to Asia to Europe and to the South America. The citizens of these nations were shocked to learn about the secret activities of their leaders and government officials that were not in the best interests of those nations that they govern and were hidden from public eye and ordinary citizens of those affected countries.

This singular development in this 21st century has changed the whole world permanently in the way information is shared or censorship by the governments of nations around the world. The Internet technology, the creation of the social media and the blogs have ushered the whole world into an era of free speech and unlimited access to information. The age of information censorship by governments and news media may be nearing its final end. The common and the ordinary peoples around the world now have a loud and effective voice given to their voiceless speech. The world will definitely be changed politically, economically and socially in this age of Information Technology.

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