Saturday, February 5, 2011


The blogosphere which is the online digital communities of bloggers is growing daily all over the world and it is also cutting across the national borders, racial lines, religion affiliations and cultural identities. According to the online blog search engine Technorah, 112 million blogs existed worldwide in December of 2007. Bloggers and their activities online have continued to shape the world's opinions on the most important issues of our 21st century.

Blogs have shaped and changed the directions of today's burning issues in almost all areas of human endeavours in every part of the world  from politics to economic issues to social issues to religious matters to family challenges and to the personal matters that affect the bloggers themselves. More blogs are opened all over the world daily and the global impacts of bloggers around the world in this 21st century will continue to increase and inflence our world's opinions.

Blogging has many advantages that make it very popular worldwide and this is also responsible for its rapid growth around the world in this 21st century. Firstly, membership is free and there are no subscriptions attached to opening or owning a blog. Secondly, blogs and its contents are globally accessible and visible anywhere there is an Internet access in the world. Thirdly, bloggers do not need offices and its operating costs or facilities to blog. They only need an Internet connection, a desktop computer or a laptop computer, or a palmtop computer or smartphones to operate. Fourthly, bloggers are mobile, blogging can be done anywhere under the sun in any conditions or geographical locations around the world.

Fifthly, blogging promotes international platform for the promotion of free speech, independent opinions and commentaries on the important and volatile issues of today from the bloggers. Personalized viewpoints of the bloggers can be openly expressed on all issues instead of the age long conventional, official and governmental opinions or the editorial opinions of governments of nations, organisations and news media on the most important issues of the day. Blogging is also available in the major languages of the world and many bloggers do not need to blog in the world's major languages of today, such as, English, French, Spanish or Mandarin Chinese.

Blogging contains graphics and video, thereby making it possible for bloggers to upload pictures and video clips about events around the world for their followers and visitors to blogging sites to be kept updated and abreast on the developing issues around the world. Blogging is interactive in its nature, visitors and followers of bloggers can comment freely and leave their personal comments on issues that are written about or promoted by those bloggers.

Because of the growing influence of bloggers around the world, government establishments, news media, organisations and corporations around the world now have their own blogs and bloggers for outreach purposes, marketing, public relations and to shape public opinions on issues that affect them. Finally, bloggers have broken the monopoly of the news organisations when it comes to investigative journalism, news gathering and dissemination of news around the world. The roles played recently by those Arab bloggers gave birth to the political revolutions in the Arab world in 2011 that cannot be neglected or belittled.

Countries that are under the rulership of dictators, despots and corrupt politicians are strongly against free speech, democracy and the rule of the law around the world are trying daily to silent and to reduce the political influence and power of the bloggers in their nations. The bloggers of today will continue to shape and to direct world's major and minor opinions on a number of important issues of today and the many evolving issues of tomorrow in this 21st century.

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