Saturday, September 28, 2013


The GOP led-Tea Party House members that are bent on shutting down the operations of the American government and causing massive financial crises in the global markets are the worst and the most dangerous politicians that I know today in the American politics. Obamacare has no direct or indirect relationship with raising the debt ceiling to keep the American government opened and functioning. Obamacare is officially the health care law of America. The bill that established Obamacare was passed by the majority from the two houses of senate and representatives. Obamacare was then signed into law by President Barack Obama. About 26 GOP controlled states' attorney generals challenged the Obamacare before the Supreme Court of America and they all lost. Mitt Romney campaigned for the presidency of America with the promise to repeal Obamacare on day one of his presidency in the White House and he lost that election. 

The GOP led House voted 42 times to repeal the Obamacare without any political success. Enough is enough in Washington, DC. The right time has now come for these GOP led House members to forget about the Obamacare and move on into more important national issues instead of using the Obamacare as a political bargaining tool and threatening to shut down the United States government, and punish American veterans as well as the federal government workers over this Obamacare. I can bet my life on this one. I am 100% confident that President Barack Obama CANNOT be politically intimidated by the entire GOP political organ in the United States Congress to use his presidential green pen to kill Obamacare and to deny 35 million Americans health care. This Obamacare remains the biggest political achievement of his historical presidency.

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