Monday, May 20, 2013


A true Christian faith must be based on the person and the finished work (death, burial, resurrection, ascension and glorification) of Jesus Christ alone on the cross at Calvary mountain. The person and the finished work of Jesus Christ is what the Scriptures called the grace of God that is freely made available for the eternal salvation of mankind. The Christian faith in Jesus Christ cannot be practiced independently and in complete isolation from the sound doctrine of the word of God which is always in a direct conformity with the true guidance of the Holy Sprit of God. Faith in the person and the finished work of Jesus Christ makes any member of the human race who does that a Christian. To practice the Christian faith outside the doctrinal teachings of the Bible will directly open that individual to the high possibility of following extra-biblical teachings and the revelations of men.

Prosperity Gospel is NOT the Gospel of Grace, Truth and Salvation. The self-invented teachings of men that are very popular and generally accepted today worldwide are NOT the sound biblical doctrine and the words of the Lord Jesus Christ. The hero-worshipping of these Mortal and Mere Men of God are simply the total abominations to the living God and to the deity of Jesus Christ the Lord. Legalism and work-oriented salvation CANNOT save anyone eternally. FAITH alone in the person and the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary wrought 2000 years ago saves the sinner in truth, honesty and reality.

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