Wednesday, May 15, 2013


"TO SOW A SEED FOR YOUR BUSINESS TO GROW:ANOTHER UNBIBLICAL TEACHING OF THE SO CALLED PROSPERITY GOSPEL":Businesses primarily provides goods, services and employment for any communities where they are established or operated all over the world. Businesses cannot survive, function or thrive in all reality without the customers' patronage, profit making, new innovations, new business plans or ideas and the ability to compete effectively with their rivals. Businesses must provide high quality goods and services to their customers in order for those businesses to survive the world of competition from their other rivals.
The most successful businesses in the world today have already established their reputation or image, operate with the monopoly of those goods and services that they provide to their customers, have the expanded customer base, have the effective advertisement programs or publicity, are unique in the types of goods and services that they offer their customers, use modern business strategies such as, offering of return policy, warranty policy, discounts or special reduction sales, must be innovative and dynamic in the production of their goods and services and operate the most effective customer services.
This is the real secret behind the success of the biggest businesses around the world today, such as, Microsoft, Apple, Walmart, British Airways, Toyota Motors and many others. The doctrine of sowing a seed for a business to grow is not biblical and this heretic teaching has no single precedence from the entire Scriptures. This strange doctrine is man made and man designed to primarily benefit the man that preaches this anti-business teachings in a diabolical manner and using a deceptive package that is known as the prosperity gospel or the greed gospel of money and materialism.

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