Thursday, March 14, 2013


Why did it take a major public outcry and an international outburst from the Nigerians across the whole world before the authentic list of the truly owners of those oil blocks could be made known as a public record for all Nigerians to see despite the fact that Nigeria practices a Freedom of Information Act as the law of her land? Is the ownership of an oil block in Nigeria a national security risk to the Nigerian nation that made it almost impossible for any Nigerian including a serving federal senator not to know the true identities of those Nigerians who are the real oil block owners, but to publicly misinformed all Nigerians about the true picture of our nation's oil block ownership? 

Is it morally right to give 11% of our national wealth intentionally and to supernaturally enrich a handful of those selected Nigerians in the name of indigenization policy in a nation with 80% of her citizens living in abject poverty of $1-$2 a day budget and her youths face over 50% unemployment rate? How does an ordinary Nigerian benefit from the sharing of their commonwealth to some anointed Nigerians in a country that millions of her hardworking workers earn poverty wages, her social services are all inadequate, her educational structure are still in the 20th century era and her national infrastructures are all old, outdated and over-stressed?

Is this oil in Nigeria truly a blessing to this nation or a curse? There is nothing today on the ground in the whole nation or in the life of an ordinary Nigerian citizen to truly justify the "oil-rich status" of the Nigerian nation except a handful of wealthy Nigerians who are the only direct beneficiaries from the Nigeria's oil wealth today. Is nationalization of our oil as a nation not a better alternative in all truth, honesty and reality than the so called indigenization policy that was designed from its onset to enrich just a handful of those lucky Nigerians and then leave the tens of millions of the other Nigerians not selected behind in the name of sharing of the Nigeria's national cake?

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