Thursday, March 21, 2013


The term "miracle" which is attributed universally to God's intervention in the human affairs and which God alone is able to do has many relative and different meanings around the world today. What is considered in one part of the world to be a miracle or a God's divine intervention may be simply treated in another part of the human world as a normal natural event of this life that is humanly possible and has no single element of the divine involvement in it. Miracles to a typical Nigerian are never miracles at all to a typical American or a westerner.

To secure a simple job in Nigeria after you have graduated with a university degree in a country that has an unemployment rate of about 40% to 50% and with millions of unemployed and unemployable graduates roaming the streets of Nigeria for years and without securing any means of livelihood is a miracle in Nigeria. To get an ordinary visiting visa that does not give that visa holder any legal right to live and to work in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom or in the other developed or advanced nations today in 2013 in Nigeria is a miracle and a divine intervention to an ordinary Nigerian.

To buy a used and a high mileage old model automobile that is equipped with those outdated technologies in it in Nigeria today is a miracle in a country where 80% live on $1-$2 a day budget and millions earn poverty wages in the private and public sectors of the Nigeria's economy. To own your own home in Nigeria is a miracle in a nation where home ownership is not available to tens of millions of the ordinary Nigerians today.

Nigerians in their religious fanatism find it very difficult and totally unrealistic to accept that bacterias, viruses, fungi, protozoans, genetics heredity, individual style of living, lack of access to nutritional foods, health care and modern sanitation are responsible for most of the human sicknesses and diseases today, but they will blame demons, witches and wizards for them.

A married Nigerian woman that did not have an access to the 21st century health care in Nigeria was declared barren for 18 years by Churches and doctors. When this woman had a very rare lifetime opportunity to travel to the United States, the doctors in America put here on the fertility drug treatment program. Today, she is a proud mother of three beautiful children and she personally considered her experience in America simply as an act of modern advanced medicine.

The human universe will never have one standard or one globally accepted definition of what miracle is or is not. What is accepted as a miracle in one part of the world will be treated in another part of the world as a regular human event. So whatever is humanly imposible to an individual in one part of the world will be considered a miracle when it becomes a reality and the same thing is now humanly possible for another human being in another part of this world, this will not be considered or treated as a miracle.

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