Sunday, August 3, 2014


President Barack Obama inherited the worst economic recession in America since the Great Depression era of the 1930s. He entered the White House in January of 2009 with a national economy that was bleeding to death and was losing over 800,000 jobs monthly. President Obama faced a collapsing real estate market in America with the highest foreclosure records in decades, a Wall Street that was grinding to its final halt, the automobile industry that was nearing an extinction, the two expensive wars of choice in Iraq and Afghanistan that were not financially sustainable, a record breaking 9 percent plus unemployment rate in decades, a rising national budget deficit as well as a national debt that was unsustainable that was also close to the size of the nation's GDP.

In his attempts to turn things around for America and Americans, President Barack Obama has had to work with the most politically obstructive Congress that is led by the GOP. This development has forced this President to use his executive power to move things forward that this Congress has refused to do in the name of politics and political ideologies. Despite this huge political obstruction, President Barack Obama can now celebrate these visible achievements that have made America a better country today in 2014 than the America that the former President George Bush Jr handed over to him in 2009. 

The government of President Barack Obama has now created 9.9 million private sector jobs non-stop in the last 53 months and has also recovered all the jobs that were lost due to that economic recession of 2008. The national unemployment rate is now 6.2%, which is the lowest since 2007. This President has also created over 200,000 plus jobs for the last 6 months which had never happened in America since 1997. The national economy (GDP) also grew 4% in the second quarter of 2014 for the first time in years. 

The war in Iraq is now over since 2010 as promised by this President when he campaigned for the White House. The war in Afghanistan will be officially over in 2014. The housing market In America has now recovered from the economic shock and it is now booming. The business as usual has finally returned to Detroit's automobile plants, the Wall Street stocks are now producing extraordinarily high returns by hitting 17,000 points for the first time under President Barack Obama. About 10 million Americans are now enjoying the affordable health care under the Obamacare. This is Obama's time to pump those champagnes of celebration for all these remarkable achievements under his presidency despite all the political odds on his way. #CelebrationTimeForPresidentBarackObama

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