Wednesday, November 13, 2013


The GOP is gradually loosing its national flavor, popular appeal and general acceptance as a national party in America based on the 2012 election results. This political machine was rejected by the majority of the young American voters under the age of 30 years old. This political organ suffered another political rejection or setback from the single white women, the African-Americans voters, the Hispanic-Americans voters and the Asian-Americans voters. The GOP at the moment is only controlling the lower branch of the US Congress in 2013 due to the redistricting of those congressional districts by the GOP governors in those GOP controlled states in 2010. Today in 2013, the GOP is now left with only three crude political options to rule America without winning the majority of the votes of the Americans through elections. 

The first strategy of the GOP is the voter suppression laws that will make it so difficult or completely impossible for the American minority voters to register and to vote in all elections. The second strategy was the gerrymandering of some of the congressional districts in the GOP controlled states that made it possible for the GOP to win and then to control the United States House of Representatives despite the fact that the elected Democratic members of same house had over 1 million plus votes more than the combined votes that gave the GOP the control of this house in 2010. The third strategy of the GOP is to use their control of the House of Representatives to govern through political obstructions which resulted in the closing down of the federal government of America over the Obamacare that is the health care law of the land in the United States.

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