Saturday, November 5, 2011


 As the American 2012 presidential elections draw closer daily, the key players in this game of politics from both political parties are all very busy criss-crossing the 50 states and making their cases and their positions known on the most important issues to the all American voters who will elect the next occupant of the White House.

The most important question to be asked about 2012 presidential election is this:What are the most important issues to the American voters today? The following issues are primary and fundamental to all American voters in 2012 presidential election.

(i) Jobs, Jobs and Jobs:The national unemployment rate today stands at 9% at the moment with 14 million Americans unemployed and another 10 million Americans are under-employed. The economy must produce at least 200,000 new jobs to bring down the present unemployment rate to below 5%.
(ii) Economy, Huge Debt and Deficits:America's foreign debt today stands at $14.5 trillion with yearly huge deficits that are no longer sustainable. The revenue that is generated today by the government through the IRS is far less that government spending. The biggest challenge to the next occupier of the Oval Office is how to generate more revenue. The two political parties are divided about this issue. GOP wants cut to Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security and all government financed entitlement programs. The Democrat wants tax increase on the top 1% of the richest Americans and the corporations as well as a deep cut to defence spending.
(iii) Fair Tax Systems:The top 1% of the richest Americans and the corporations control more than 70% of the nation's wealth and their incomes have grown by more than 200% in the last 30 years compared with the middle-class and the poor Americans who had a mere growth of about 30%. The top income earners and corporations pay less in taxes and have enjoyed tax break that they did not need or asked for in the first instance since 2002.
(iv) Immigration:America's immigration system is totally broken and needed an immediate reform to fix it. Today, there are between 12-20 million illegal immigrants in this country according to many reliable estimates. The illegal aliens are not paying taxes, not in our national systems and putting financial pressure on our social services and public infrastructures.
(v) Terrorism and Foreign Wars:Who can truly keep this country safe from the domestic and international terrorists who plan daily on attacking Americans and our national interests around the world? How do will bring these two foreign wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to a final end? America has spent over $1 trillion in these two wars and lost about 5,000 precious Americans.
(vi) Occupy Wall Street:These political protests against corporate greed that started about 5 weeks ago have now reached close to 300 America's major cities and commercial nerve centers and with no sign of it abating. These protesters will definitely have a say in the midterm and the presidential elections of 2012.
(vii) Abortion and Gay Rights:Americans are heavily divided politically along pro-choice, pro-life and the gay rights issues in this country. These issues listed above will play a major role in the way Americans will vote in 2012 for their president.
The battle line is now drawn and these six issues are the key factors to look out for in the 2012 presidential election slated for November 11, 2011. For now the race for the White House is in full swing and only time will tell who will be the next occupier of the Oval Office.

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