Tuesday, December 25, 2012


 Nigeria is a heavily religious nation in all ramifications. About half of all Nigerians are directly associated with the religion of Christianity and the other half of the population follow the religion of Islam or the native traditional religions.

The Nigerian elites that have ruled Nigeria from 1960 to date have acccumulated enormous ill-gotten wealth from the Nigeria's oil revenue for themselves, their families and their cronies. They have also mismanaged the oil wealth on the various white elephant projects across Nigeria that did not bring any true national development to Nigeria nor practical prosperity to the Nigerian citizens. This negative development has left the remaining 80% of the ordinary Nigerians with nothing to fall back, so they are forced by the situations in Nigeria to survive on $1-2 a day living budget and with the old, inadequate and outdated public infrastructures, collapsing health care facilities, 20th century educational systems, huge unemployment amongst the youth, insecurity and lawlessness as well as over-stressed social services.

Because of the failure of the Nigerian leaders to deliver on their promises to their fellow Nigerians year in and year out. These hopeless, vulnerable and helpless Nigerians are today left without any other alternative in their life but to turn to religion and to the religious leaders of the Churches and Mosques who promised them a way of of their present problems, but in all reality, these religious leaders are also doing the same things that the politicians are doing by deceptively and religiously exploiting these weak, ignorant, needy and desperate Nigerians of their leftovers (money and material things of life) with the false and unrealistic hope of good health and prosperity in return through their sanctified and religious ponzi scheme ventures.

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