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Thursday, May 30, 2013
Kenneth Hagin claims not only for himself but for the Bibles written promise, "He [also] wants His children to eat the best, He wants them to wear the best clothing, He wants them to drive the best cars, and He wants them to have the best of everything." (Quoted by D.L. McConnell a different Gospel p.175) Did not Jesus say, "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God." (Luke 6:20) Whose right? Was it riches he was promising or spiritual blessings?
Throughout the Bible there is a constant warning of riches being a snare. David who had it all prayed that the Lord would not give him too little, that he would be in need or too much that he would forget God. In the middle ages the church thought that for one to to be poor was equivalent to being spiritual. Today it is on the opposite extreme, to be rich shows God's blessings. They have fixed their eyes on earth and become subject to the earthly law of gravity, instead of fixing their eyes to heaven above by true faith. Do riches prove God's blessings? Nothing could be further from the truth. Their are many a heathen and atheist who are rich despite their disbelief. Prosperity is not an absolute to show Gods hand in ones life, it might in fact show the opposite.
Proverbs 16:16: tells those who want to pursue God - it is better to get wisdom instead of gold. Matt 6:19-21: "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; "but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Jonathan Edwards said "Aim at heaven and you get earth thrown in, aim at earth and you get neither." Matt 13:22-23: "Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word, and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful. V.23"But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty."
Avanzini distorts this scripture like no other saying that the seed is money and that we can get a hundred fold return. Do we see this taught by Jesus or the disciples? No! This is an insertion to attract increase, mainly to himself. Jesus explains the parable of the sower by saying in vs.19 the seed is the word and before that he explains how the people need ears to hear so they can understand and be fruitful. In vs. 37 he explains further that the sower of the good seed is the son of man which is either Jesus himself or those who preach the same message of his word. The good seeds are the sons of the kingdom. In other words those born of incorruptible seed which is the word of God 1 Pt.1:23 are in the world as a growing plant to produce fruit of the spirit.
Matt 10:38: "And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. Mark 8:34-37: "When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, "Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me "For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel's will save it. "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? "Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? In other words the pursuit to be financially free and keep on gaining is not what we are to be focused on. Denying oneself may mean to give up a lot. It depends on how attached and attracted ones soul is to the comfortable things of life.
Luke 12:15-21: And He said to them, "Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses." Then He spoke a parable to them, about a rich man who was planning his future expansion, he sums it up in vs.21"So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God." Do we ever hear sermons on the TV of being rich toward God without money? I think not! Luke 14:33: "So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple." This again is a hyperbole. Give up your possessions for self use (sometimes completely divorcing oneself from them) so as not trusting in the world but God alone.
There are many today who are teaching that Jesus was rich. Jesus and the disciples were rich, only rich people could take off for 3.5 years. (Fred Price, Ever Increasing Faith, recorded 11/23/90). Frederick K.C. Price states: "The Bible says that He [Jesus] had a treasurer-a treasury (they called it "the bag"); that they had one man who was the treasurer, named Judas Iscariot; and the rascal was stealing out of the bag for three-and-a-half years and nobody knew that he was stealing. You know why? Because there was so much in it, He couldn't tell. Nobody could tell that anything was missing..., if Jesus didn't have anything, what do you need a treasury for? A treasury is for surplus. It's not for that which you're spending. It's only for surplus-to hold it until you need to spend it. Therefore, He must have had a whole lot that needed to be held in advance that He wasn't spending. So He must have had more than He was living on." ("Ever Increasing Faith" program on TBN [23 November 1990.)
Among those who teach Jesus and the apostles are rich are Oral Roberts, and Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Hagin. John Avanzini attacks and mocks theologians for teaching that Jesus was poor. "I don't know where these goofy traditions creep in at, but one of the goofiest ones is that Jesus and His disciples were poor. Now there's no Bible to substantiate that."( "Was Jesus poor? Video). Was Jesus Rich? Lets look at the clear biblical evidence. Jesus was born in a stable (his parents knew the approximate time of his birth so they could have reserved a place, God could have made sure he had a room) but it was to be in a stable, a cave. Lk.2:22-24 Mary sacrifices two turtle doves which is a poor households sacrifice (Lev.12:2-8).Why did Mary in her praise say “He has filled the hungry with good things and the rich he has sent away empty.”
Jesus gave up all the riches that are his in heaven to become a man and was born to a poor family (not homeless and destitute), his stepfather was carpenter, if they had money from the gold given at his birth (as some claim) he would not of had to work. The Bible does not mention his riches but many teach this from silence. Archeological excavations of Nazareth from the 1950’s show the village of Jesus' day were occupied by poor agricultural people. As Jesus grew up he worked in the trade of a carpenter, not a trade known for its wealth. How did Jesus become rich with a step-dad who was only a carpenter? There is absolutely no indication anywhere that he was wealthy from his family or from traveling with His disciples. By the way, He took no tithes.
In Luke 2:22-24, Jesus is taken to the Temple by his mother a poor families sacrifice is made -two pigeons (according to Leviticus 12:8.) If they had been rich as the prosperity teachers claim they would have had to make a larger sacrifice. If they did not and were rich they broke the law. Matt. 11:7-8; Lk. 7:25 "As they departed, Jesus began to say to the multitudes concerning John: "What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind?" But what did you go out to see? A man clothed in soft garments? Indeed those who are gorgeously appareled and live in luxury are in kings' courts." Neither John or Jesus dressed as those who show God's blessings today with thousand dollar suits and shoes. Why does Jesus' cousin John wear such bad clothing while Jesus is walking around in expensive clothing (a seamless garment), didn’t He share?
Avanzini says "Jesus had a nice house, a big house big enough to have company stay the night with Him at the house. Let me show YOU His house. G0 over to John the first chapter and I’ll show you His house. Now, child of God, that’s a house big enough to have company stay the night in. There's His house." (Believers voice of Victory program, TBN Jan.20,1991). I couldn't find it! How about you? Avanzini says "Jesus had a big house" but it was Peters mothers house in Capernaum that was often used as a base, it was not His. so one must decide if this is true or false.
Matt. 8:19-20: "Then a certain scribe came and said to Him, "Teacher, I will follow You wherever You go." And Jesus said to him, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head." Jesus himself he had no place to lay his head, no permanent home, he constantly traveled. He dressed like everyone else, he even said to forsake this world to inherit his kingdom. His kingdom is not of this world and he made it perfectly clear in His teachings. Some seem to think that Moses may have gotten it all wrong to have forsaken the riches and pleasures of Egypt and suffer affliction with his brethren looking by faith to him who is invisible." (Heb.11:24-27). He didn't have to, he could have had the best of both worlds. The rich young ruler came to Jesus and he responded by telling to him to give all his riches to the poor and follow him. Was Jesus telling him to rid himself of riches while he actually possessed them Himself? Would he ask someone to do something he himself would not?
In 2 Cor.8:9 Paul states of Jesus " being rich , yet for your sakes he became poor, so that through his poverty you might become rich" (this is spiritual riches). In the only place where it might give a hint of wealth it says he became poor. Did Jesus become poor during his lifetime so we can become rich financially later? This is not a trick question and should be obvious to all familiar with the scriptures. This "being rich" is speaking of his preexistence in his position of glory? He became poor in becoming a servant in position and also in his social life. Zech. 9:9 " Behold, your King is coming to you; he is just and having salvation, lowly and riding on a donkey, a colt, the foal of a donkey." Even his fulfilling prophecy as a king was in humility of his position. He came as a servant, not a king, but today we have those who want to have crowns recognized for their positions now. Quite the opposite in the Scripture, he who is exalted will be humbled. We are to follow Jesus' pattern, yet some actually think if Jesus came today he’d have the best clothes, drive a Roll’s and eat steak every night. We better look carefully at the Bible before we choke on what is being dished out.
He was buried in another mans tomb, a rich mans. If he was rich or his family, they would have buried him in his own family tomb. But this again proves that He had no money for this. Neither did his family nor the apostles have the money to by such a burial, it was borrowed, actually donated to be exact. After all it would not be permanent. Jesus in his ministry had borrowed many things. A manger, He borrowed boats, He borrowed a colt; He borrowed a house for Passover and He was buried in a borrowed tomb. Christ came in complete humility as stated in 2 Cor. 8:9 “Christ, that though He was rich, (owning everything) yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.” (Meaning spiritually rich.)
Jesus' teaching with the disciples
Mark 6:32-44: (the miracle of the 5,000 fed) We find Jesus asking the disciples to feed the hungry people who have sat all day listening to His teaching. They respond by thinking what they possess in money to have this ability. (v.37)[Two hundred pennyworth of bread] About twenty-eight dollars a fair amount but not in any way riches for thirteen people. The disciples had a common purse in which they carried their money, consisting of the donations of their friends and money to be given to the poor ( John 12:6; Matt 26:8-9; Luke 8:3), though they had this amount in their possession. Philip asked Jesus the question (John 6:7) –about them taking ALL that they had (twenty eight dollars) and spending it on a single meal?
Jesus sent the disciples out without money ( Mt. 10:9-12) “ Provide neither gold nor silver nor copper in your money belts, nor bag for your journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor staffs; for a worker is worthy of his food. Now whatever city or town you enter, inquire who in it is worthy, and stay there till you go out.” They did not rent a room but depended on others hospitality and the Lord for their provision. The money belt was a small purse that would carry very little coins, they did not have dollar bills then but coins.
Before Jesus is betrayed ( Luke 22:35-36) And He said to them, "When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything?" So they said, "Nothing." Then He said to them, "But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one.” If the disciples were well to do they wouldn’t need to sell one of their two garments for a small sword. Jesus also reminded them of how they were sent out with nothing and God met their needs. This again proves they did not have enormous wealth.
The Temple tax which Peter paid For Jesus and himself did not come out of the pocket of their treasurer. Matt. 17:24- 27: “When they had come to Capernaum, those who received the temple tax came to Peter and said, "Does your Teacher not pay the temple tax?" He said, "Yes." V.27 Nevertheless, lest we offend them, go to the sea, cast in a hook, and take the fish that comes up first. And when you have opened its mouth, you will find a piece of money; take that and give it to them for me and you." If the disciples had money as Faith teachers claim Jesus would not have had Peter go fish for a coin, they would have already had it. This is one of the miracles we don’t see anyone copy today, despite their claims of “we can do all that Jesus did.”
When Mary took a pound of very costly oil and (Jn.12) anointed the feet of Jesus, Judas Iscariot, said, “Why was this fragrant oil not sold for three hundred denari and given to the poor?" This he said, not that he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief, and had the money box; and he used to take what was put in it.” If all this money was available there would be no need to go out and find more. Luke 22:4-5: “So he went his way and conferred with the chief priests and captains, how he might betray Him to them. And they were glad, and agreed to give him money.” Mark 14:10-11: “Then Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went to the chief priests to betray Him to them. And when they heard it, they were glad, and promised to give him money. So he sought how he might conveniently betray Him.”
Matt 26:9. [Sold for much] Mark and John say for three hundred pence-that is about 9 British pounds. John 12:5. [Three hundred pence] About $40.00 .(from Barnes' Notes)
What would this be worth today with inflation? This was a large sum back then. Actually I have heard this estimated as a years wages. Here Judas was the treasurer and complained about this amount of money used on Jesus. Why would he say this if they were so rich. He later was enticed to betray Jesus for only thirty pieces of silver much less than even she gave in the oil. A shekel-a silver coin amounted to about 50 cents. The whole sum which Judas sold out the Lord was $15, or 3 British pounds. If the disciples were rich, than this would never have been a temptation. He would much more than this with what he carried.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
The U.S dollar is shrinking as a percentage of the world's currency supply, raising concerns that the greenback is about to see its long run as the world's premier denomination come to an end. When compared to its peers, the dollar has drifted to a 15-year low, according to the International Monetary Fund, indicating that more countries are willing to use other currencies to do business. While the American currency still reigns supreme -- it constitutes $3.72 trillion, or 62 percent, of the $6 trillion in allocated foreign exchange holdings by the world's central banks -- the Japanese yen, Swiss franc and what the IMF classifies as "other currencies" such as the Chinese yuan are gaining.
"Generally speaking, it is not believed by the vast majority that the American dollar will be overthrown," Dick Bove, vice president of equity research at Rafferty Capital Markets, said in a note. "But it will be, and this defrocking may occur in as short a period as five to 10 years." Bove uses several metrics to make his point, focusing on the dollar as a percentage of total world money supply.That total has plunged from nearly 90 percent in 1952 to closer to 15 percent now. He also notes that the Chinese yuan, the yen and the euro each have a greater share of that total.
"To the degree that China succeeds in increasing its market share of the world's currency market, the United States is the loser," Bove said. "For years, I have been arguing that the move of the Chinese makes perfect sense from their point-of-view but no sense for the Americans." For a country with a budget deficit in excess of $1 trillion a year, the consequences of losing standing as the world's reserve currency would be dire.
"If the dollar loses status as the world's most reliable currency the United States will lose the right to print money to pay its debt. It will be forced to pay this debt," Bove said. "The ratings agencies are already arguing that the government's debt may be too highly rated. Plus, the United States Congress, in both its houses, as well as the president are demonstrating a total lack of fiscal credibility." Bove is not the only one sounding the reserve currency alarm, though the issue has fallen off the front pages as hopes for a sustained U.S. recovery have taken hold and the stock market has surged to near-record highs. But the looming battle over budget sequestration in Washington could revive long-standing fears of fiscal stability.
"If (dollars) no longer offer the safety that investors have come to expect, they will not function as the stable collateral required by bank funding markets," Barry Eichengreen, a professor at the University of California, Berkley, warned in a Financial Times commentary late last year. "They will not be regarded as an attractive form in which to hold international reserves. And they will not be seen as a convenient vehicle for merchandise transactions." To be sure, the markets at this point are not acting like the dollar is in severe trouble. The greenback has maintained its position as a general safe haven in times of trouble.
"Longer term, of course, countries are going to diversify away from the dollar if they can. There are more favorable investment opportunities out there if you can catch yield," said Christopher Vecchio, currency analyst at DailyFX, a trading firm. "Despite the increase in risk to the U.S. dollar and Treasury, investors still feel safest at home." But the Federal Reserve's successive quantitative easing programs, which have created $3 trillion in new greenbacks, continue to spur worry over the dollar's status.
"The No. 1 security issue we have as a nation is the preservation of the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency," said Michael Pento, president of Pento Portfolio Strategies. "It's a thousand times more important than a nuclear bomb being tested by North Korea. It's a thousand times more important that we keep the dollar as the world's reserve currency, and yet we are doing everything to abuse that status."
The dollar's seemingly precarious status is why Pento remains bullish on gold and believes the dollar's demise as the premier reserve currency could end even sooner than Bove predicts -- perhaps by 2015. "Five to 10 years -- that would be an outlier," he said. "I would say 2015, 2016, that would be the time when it becomes a particularly salient issue. When we're spending 30 to 50 percent of our revenue on debt service payments, we enter into a bond market crisis. The dollar starts to drop along with bond prices. That would set off the whole thing."
Monday, May 27, 2013
Prosperity preachers and teachers worldwide teach their followers and disciples that the wealth of the sinners all over the world will be supernaturally transferred into the hands of the Christians or the global Church before the rapture takes place. They teach that the wealth in the hands of the sinners is needed by the Church of Jesus Christ to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost in direct fulfillment of the commandment of Jesus Christ to the Church to carry out the global evangelization of the nations of the world in this Church Age. The wealth transfer theology is taught by the prosperity gospel movement around the world as a divine event and a biblical prophecy that will be fulfilled before the rapture of the Church or the saints of God. The wealth transfer theology is based on the wrong interpretation of the prophecy of the Bible to the nation of Israel and never to the Church from the Book of Isaiah 60:5, 11 and 12 (NIV Translation): "Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy; the wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come" - Verse 5. "Your gates will always stand open, they will never be shut, day or night, so that people may bring you the wealth of the nations-- their kings led in triumphal procession" - Verse 11. "For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish; it will be utterly ruined" - Verse 12.
The end time wealth transfer in the Book of Isaiah is for the Jewish people in order to be able to return to their homeland and then prepare for the Messiah during the Millenium Era. Prophet Isaiah never mentioned the Church nor referred to the Church. The Church of Jesus Christ is already in the last days and it is not yet a super-rich Church in terms of money and materialism. The preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ was never designed according to the New Testament Scriptures to be preached or propagated to the lost on a huge financial budget from its onset. The preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ is also the primary responsibility of all Christians to carry out in their own unique and different worlds where they live (homes, neighborhoods, offices, workplaces and schools). Furthermore, it costs little or no money to open one's mouth and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the sinner beside you in this real life. There are no biblical evidences also in the early Church that showed that huge amounts of money were required, needed or raised by the apostles and the early Christians in order to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ all over the then Roman Empire. The internet technology and the fast means of transportation have made it easier to share the gospel of Jesus Christ across the world. Travelling to other nations to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ does not require any preacher to personally own a private jet and stay in a presidential suite of a 5-star hotels in order to reach the needy with this gospel message. Any Christian TV or radio ministry that preaches another gospel or another Jesus Christ does not deserve our money nor our financial support to promote their heresies that lack the grace of God.
The greatest wealth transfer in the world today in this Church Age is already taking place at the moment and the Church of Jesus Christ is not the main, the major or the principal beneficiary from this global wealth transfer that is happening in this global capitalist economic system. The final collapse of the communist Russia in the 1990 opened the global economy to the forces of global capitalism (banks and multinationals) who are today controlling the global wealth and economy and never the Church of Jesus Christ. In conclusion, the doctrine of wealth transfer in this Church Age is totally unbiblical. The Church in these last days will never control the global economy or the global wealth of the sinners before its rapture. Wealth transfer theology is a teaching that evolved from the manipulations and the wrong interpretations of the teachings or prophecies of the Bible to benefit the greed, the love of money and materialism in the life of those prosperity preachers and teachers worldwide who are pushing this greed gospel around.
The end time wealth transfer in the Book of Isaiah is for the Jewish people in order to be able to return to their homeland and then prepare for the Messiah during the Millenium Era. Prophet Isaiah never mentioned the Church nor referred to the Church. The Church of Jesus Christ is already in the last days and it is not yet a super-rich Church in terms of money and materialism. The preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ was never designed according to the New Testament Scriptures to be preached or propagated to the lost on a huge financial budget from its onset. The preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ is also the primary responsibility of all Christians to carry out in their own unique and different worlds where they live (homes, neighborhoods, offices, workplaces and schools). Furthermore, it costs little or no money to open one's mouth and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the sinner beside you in this real life. There are no biblical evidences also in the early Church that showed that huge amounts of money were required, needed or raised by the apostles and the early Christians in order to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ all over the then Roman Empire. The internet technology and the fast means of transportation have made it easier to share the gospel of Jesus Christ across the world. Travelling to other nations to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ does not require any preacher to personally own a private jet and stay in a presidential suite of a 5-star hotels in order to reach the needy with this gospel message. Any Christian TV or radio ministry that preaches another gospel or another Jesus Christ does not deserve our money nor our financial support to promote their heresies that lack the grace of God.
The greatest wealth transfer in the world today in this Church Age is already taking place at the moment and the Church of Jesus Christ is not the main, the major or the principal beneficiary from this global wealth transfer that is happening in this global capitalist economic system. The final collapse of the communist Russia in the 1990 opened the global economy to the forces of global capitalism (banks and multinationals) who are today controlling the global wealth and economy and never the Church of Jesus Christ. In conclusion, the doctrine of wealth transfer in this Church Age is totally unbiblical. The Church in these last days will never control the global economy or the global wealth of the sinners before its rapture. Wealth transfer theology is a teaching that evolved from the manipulations and the wrong interpretations of the teachings or prophecies of the Bible to benefit the greed, the love of money and materialism in the life of those prosperity preachers and teachers worldwide who are pushing this greed gospel around.
Mr. Chairman
Your Excellencies
Invited Guests
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen
1. I am delighted to be part of this historic Summit which commemorates the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of the Organization of African Unity (OAU). I join other colleagues in conveying appreciation to the government and people of Ethiopia for their hospitality and the African Union Commission for the excellent organization of this unique event.
2. It is a great honour to also acknowledge the presence at this occasion, of our elder statesman, former President of the Republic of Zambia, H.E. Dr. Kenneth Kaunda, one of the founding fathers of this organization.
3. What at the time seemed only a vision, was relentlessly pursued, beginning with the Accra Conference of 1958, through Tunis (1960), followed by Cairo (1961) to the Conference in this great city of Addis Ababa on 25th May, 1963 when thirty-two (32) African Heads of State and Government founded the Organization of African Unity (OAU).
4. As we celebrate the Golden Jubilee of our Organization, we can take justifiable pride in the fact that the objectives the founding fathers set for themselves have largely been achieved. Their foresight and action have translated an ideal into reality.
5. The theme of this special Summit, Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance, is indeed both profound and apt. It captures the essence of our Union, its ideals, its aims and its aspirations.
6. Fifty years ago, the socio-political and economic landscape of Africa and the entire world was different from what it is today. Africa was preoccupied with a just struggle to rid itself of the vestiges of colonialism and racial domination. The world was also in the throes of the Cold War which impacted on our struggle. But we persevered and stayed the course.
7. Fifty years on, Africa is independent. Africa has won its fight against apartheid and racial discrimination. The OAU and its rallying philosophy of Pan Africanism gave impetus to our struggle for our political emancipation and acceptance as full- fledged members of the international community.
8. While political independence has been won and colonialism, apartheid and minority rule have been defeated, we are yet to overcome the challenges of neo-colonialism, poverty, disease, violent conflicts, environmental degradation, under-development and economic dependency.
9. We owe it to ourselves and to future generations to ensure that Africa succeeds. We must consolidate our achievements, correct past mistakes and accomplish the new African integration paradigm for political, economic, socio-cultural and scientific development.
10. Today, we are reflecting on the philosophy of Pan Africanism and African Renaissance not at the behest of anyone but of our own accord. We do so because we are conscious of the need to control our own destiny. For too long, Africa has been a victim of external domination, exploitation and manipulation. Africa must rediscover itself.
11. So, my message today is very simple. Africa must declare an end to the era of self inflicted wars and conflicts. Africa must usher in an era of transformation, peace, stability and sustainable development.
12. We all know that the wars we fight sap our strength, divert our resources and destroy precious lives and property. We know that these conflicts hold Africa back. We must bring them to an end immediately to give Africa respite and space to develop and realize its potential for greatness.
13. In this regard, we must first take definite steps and implement all the frameworks aimed at curtailing the proliferation and illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in our continent. These are the weapons of choice in the prosecution of all the deadly conflicts, acts of terrorism, piracy and armed robberies ravaging many parts of our continent. Given their lethality they have been aptly described as the weapons of mass destruction and destabilization in Africa.
14. Second, with Africa free of all its crises and violent conflicts, we must commit to deepen our democratic governance and rule of law. We must give voice to, and respect the wishes of our people when they express them democratically, freely and openly. Democracy must be allowed to flourish unimpeded in all our countries. We must end the culture of abuse of power and impunity. We must embrace the culture of accountability, equity and justice.
15. Third, for Pan Africanism to endure and Africa’s Renaissance to occur, a peaceful Africa must draw lessons from its ancient past as the cradle of human civilization. In the last 50 years, the world has attained unprecedented heights in human advancement driven by science and technology. Africa must be part of that movement and experience. Africa should aim to lead humanity again in innovation and advancement.
16. Africa must not remain in the margins of world affairs. Africa must continue to ask for its due rights and place in the World. Africa’s demand to be represented on the permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council is just. It should never be seen as a privilege. We should, therefore, vigorously press our demand for an urgent reform and expansion of the Council in order to inaugurate more equitable global governance architecture.
17. The transformation of Africa to a strong, confident, productive and competitive region should not pose challenges of extraordinary nature. Africa is a continent blessed with a versatile human resource base. The continent has huge reserves of diverse untapped natural resources. We must commit ourselves to add value to these resources and use them to transform the lives of our peoples and nations.
We must commit anew, to win our battle against poverty, hunger and disease. Africa can and must take care of its most vulnerable population, especially its youth, its women and its physically challenged. Africa must turn its begging bowls into baskets of prosperity and opportunity. We must give a new face to our people and continent. Our rebirth, our renewal, our renaissance must begin now.
18. We signaled this intent with the transformation of the Organization of African Union (OAU) to the African Union (AU), a decade ago. We adopted forward-looking and dynamic approaches to Africa’s integration agenda. We devised a new Peace and Security Architecture. We agreed on a new framework to ward off the tendency towards unconstitutional change of government and adopted a Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance among others. We also adopted the New Partnership for Africa’s Economic Development (NEPAD) along with the Africa Peer Review (APR) mechanism to fast-track the continent’s development agenda and enhanced governance process.
19. Mr. Chairman, as expected, my country, Nigeria, will remain a staunch supporter and promoter of Pan-Africanism and the ideals and objectives, championed by this Union. Our steadfast commitment to the Union arises from our recognition that African unity and solidarity will remain our strength, both as a nation and as a continent.
20. Nigeria will be in the vanguard of the collective efforts aimed at the realization of this continental dream. Nigeria’s policy of placing Africa at the centre of its external relations is to ensure that, at all times, the challenge of building and sustaining the Africa of our dream, remains a priority.
21. It is, therefore, my hope that when the Centenary of the OAU shall be marked 50 years from now, it shall be said of us that we provided the right leadership, built on the foundation already laid by the founding fathers, thereby assuring the renaissance of a proud, dynamic and fully integrated Africa.
Long Live Africa! Long Live the African Union!!
22. I thank you. From the Sahara Reporters in New York City.
Mr. Chairman
Your Excellencies
Invited Guests
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen
1. I am delighted to be part of this historic Summit which commemorates the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of the Organization of African Unity (OAU). I join other colleagues in conveying appreciation to the government and people of Ethiopia for their hospitality and the African Union Commission for the excellent organization of this unique event.
2. It is a great honour to also acknowledge the presence at this occasion, of our elder statesman, former President of the Republic of Zambia, H.E. Dr. Kenneth Kaunda, one of the founding fathers of this organization.
3. What at the time seemed only a vision, was relentlessly pursued, beginning with the Accra Conference of 1958, through Tunis (1960), followed by Cairo (1961) to the Conference in this great city of Addis Ababa on 25th May, 1963 when thirty-two (32) African Heads of State and Government founded the Organization of African Unity (OAU).
4. As we celebrate the Golden Jubilee of our Organization, we can take justifiable pride in the fact that the objectives the founding fathers set for themselves have largely been achieved. Their foresight and action have translated an ideal into reality.
5. The theme of this special Summit, Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance, is indeed both profound and apt. It captures the essence of our Union, its ideals, its aims and its aspirations.
6. Fifty years ago, the socio-political and economic landscape of Africa and the entire world was different from what it is today. Africa was preoccupied with a just struggle to rid itself of the vestiges of colonialism and racial domination. The world was also in the throes of the Cold War which impacted on our struggle. But we persevered and stayed the course.
7. Fifty years on, Africa is independent. Africa has won its fight against apartheid and racial discrimination. The OAU and its rallying philosophy of Pan Africanism gave impetus to our struggle for our political emancipation and acceptance as full- fledged members of the international community.
8. While political independence has been won and colonialism, apartheid and minority rule have been defeated, we are yet to overcome the challenges of neo-colonialism, poverty, disease, violent conflicts, environmental degradation, under-development and economic dependency.
9. We owe it to ourselves and to future generations to ensure that Africa succeeds. We must consolidate our achievements, correct past mistakes and accomplish the new African integration paradigm for political, economic, socio-cultural and scientific development.
10. Today, we are reflecting on the philosophy of Pan Africanism and African Renaissance not at the behest of anyone but of our own accord. We do so because we are conscious of the need to control our own destiny. For too long, Africa has been a victim of external domination, exploitation and manipulation. Africa must rediscover itself.
11. So, my message today is very simple. Africa must declare an end to the era of self inflicted wars and conflicts. Africa must usher in an era of transformation, peace, stability and sustainable development.
12. We all know that the wars we fight sap our strength, divert our resources and destroy precious lives and property. We know that these conflicts hold Africa back. We must bring them to an end immediately to give Africa respite and space to develop and realize its potential for greatness.
13. In this regard, we must first take definite steps and implement all the frameworks aimed at curtailing the proliferation and illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in our continent. These are the weapons of choice in the prosecution of all the deadly conflicts, acts of terrorism, piracy and armed robberies ravaging many parts of our continent. Given their lethality they have been aptly described as the weapons of mass destruction and destabilization in Africa.
14. Second, with Africa free of all its crises and violent conflicts, we must commit to deepen our democratic governance and rule of law. We must give voice to, and respect the wishes of our people when they express them democratically, freely and openly. Democracy must be allowed to flourish unimpeded in all our countries. We must end the culture of abuse of power and impunity. We must embrace the culture of accountability, equity and justice.
15. Third, for Pan Africanism to endure and Africa’s Renaissance to occur, a peaceful Africa must draw lessons from its ancient past as the cradle of human civilization. In the last 50 years, the world has attained unprecedented heights in human advancement driven by science and technology. Africa must be part of that movement and experience. Africa should aim to lead humanity again in innovation and advancement.
16. Africa must not remain in the margins of world affairs. Africa must continue to ask for its due rights and place in the World. Africa’s demand to be represented on the permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council is just. It should never be seen as a privilege. We should, therefore, vigorously press our demand for an urgent reform and expansion of the Council in order to inaugurate more equitable global governance architecture.
17. The transformation of Africa to a strong, confident, productive and competitive region should not pose challenges of extraordinary nature. Africa is a continent blessed with a versatile human resource base. The continent has huge reserves of diverse untapped natural resources. We must commit ourselves to add value to these resources and use them to transform the lives of our peoples and nations.
We must commit anew, to win our battle against poverty, hunger and disease. Africa can and must take care of its most vulnerable population, especially its youth, its women and its physically challenged. Africa must turn its begging bowls into baskets of prosperity and opportunity. We must give a new face to our people and continent. Our rebirth, our renewal, our renaissance must begin now.
18. We signaled this intent with the transformation of the Organization of African Union (OAU) to the African Union (AU), a decade ago. We adopted forward-looking and dynamic approaches to Africa’s integration agenda. We devised a new Peace and Security Architecture. We agreed on a new framework to ward off the tendency towards unconstitutional change of government and adopted a Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance among others. We also adopted the New Partnership for Africa’s Economic Development (NEPAD) along with the Africa Peer Review (APR) mechanism to fast-track the continent’s development agenda and enhanced governance process.
19. Mr. Chairman, as expected, my country, Nigeria, will remain a staunch supporter and promoter of Pan-Africanism and the ideals and objectives, championed by this Union. Our steadfast commitment to the Union arises from our recognition that African unity and solidarity will remain our strength, both as a nation and as a continent.
20. Nigeria will be in the vanguard of the collective efforts aimed at the realization of this continental dream. Nigeria’s policy of placing Africa at the centre of its external relations is to ensure that, at all times, the challenge of building and sustaining the Africa of our dream, remains a priority.
21. It is, therefore, my hope that when the Centenary of the OAU shall be marked 50 years from now, it shall be said of us that we provided the right leadership, built on the foundation already laid by the founding fathers, thereby assuring the renaissance of a proud, dynamic and fully integrated Africa.
Long Live Africa! Long Live the African Union!!
22. I thank you. From the Sahara Reporters in New York City.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
England is a "cesspit" and breeding ground for fundamentalist Muslims, the Nobel laureate and political activist Wole Soyinka has said in an interview in which he also accused Britain of allowing the existence of "indoctrination schools". His extraordinary attack on what he views as Britain's part in fuelling Islamist terrorism was published on the US news and opinion website The Daily Beast. It was coupled with his assertion that the 1989 fatwa issued by Ayatollah Khomeini against Salman Rushdie meant that the assumption of power over life and death had passed "to every inconsequential Muslim in the world".
Soyinka, the first African to win the Nobel prize for literature in 1986, made his claims in response to a question about his homeland of Nigeria being added to the watchlist of countries deemed to be incubating terrorists, after the failed attempts of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to bring an airliner down over the US on Christmas Day. "That was an irrational, knee-jerk reaction by the Americans," the writer said. "The man did not get radicalised in Nigeria. It happened in England, where he went to university.
"England is a cesspit. England is the breeding ground of fundamentalist Muslims. Its social logic is to allow all religions to preach openly. But this is illogic, because none of the other religions preach apocalyptic violence. "And yet England allows it. Remember, that country was the breeding ground for communism, too. Karl Marx did all his work in libraries there …"Soyinka added: "This is part of the character of Great Britain. Colonialism bred an innate arrogance, but when you undertake that sort of imperial adventure, that arrogance gives way to a feeling of accommodativeness. You take pride in your openness."
The attempted Christmas Day bombing has helped to raise fears that some British universities are becoming places in which young Muslims are radicalised – Abdulmutallab attended University College, London. But Soyinka, who splits his time between the US and Nigeria, suggested that British Muslims were being radicalised earlier in their lives. "I doubt you can have the kind of indoctrination schools in America as you do in the UK," he said. "Besides, there's a large body of American Muslims in the US – the Nation of Islam – which has created a kind of mainstream Muslim institution. The Muslims there are open Muslims, whereas in Europe they tend to go into ghetto schools. "The Nation of Islam provides an antidote in the United States to fundamentalist Islam – which is why individuals from America have to go abroad to find radical teachings."
And , speaking about the fatwa issued by Khomeini against Rushdie, he said: "It all began when he assumed the power of life and death over the life of a writer. This was a watershed between doctrinaire aggression and physical aggression. There was an escalation. The assumption of power over life and death then passed to every single inconsequential Muslim in the world – as if someone had given them a new stature. "Al-Qaida is the descendant of this phenomenon. The proselytisation of Islam became vigorous after this. People went to Saudi Arabia. Madrasas were established everywhere."
Thursday, May 23, 2013
The gospel that Jesus Christ preached for about three and the half years throughout the land of the Palestine did not benefit him alone as its sole or primary preacher. The 12 apostles of Jesus Christ and the several thousands of his followers were all the direct partakers and the full beneficiaries of all that the gospel of Jesus Christ offered to them. Today in the world of Christianity or the Christian faith, many preachers all over the world are preaching another type of gospel in the name of Jesus Christ that is known as the prosperity gospel, this strange and unbiblical gospel is primarily rooted in greed, in the love of money or materialism, deception of the gullible, desperate or vulnerable religious folks and the intentional manipulation of the truth of the Bible for personal gains.
Everywhere this greed gospel is preached today and it is received or practiced, the results that this gospel produces are always two visible, but totally distinct and very different outcomes in real life. The first outcome from this greed gospel are the preachers of this gospel who become super-rich in money and in the material things of this life overnight at the expense of their givers. The second outcomes are their followers, supporters and the givers to this gospel who are still extremely poor financially and materially despite their dedication and the sacrificial givings to this gospel.
Any gospel that is preached today by any man that uses the teachings of the Bible, in the name of Jesus Christ and the Christian faith that does not tell you to practice these 7 important life elements is a different type of gospel from the gospel of Jesus Christ or the gospel that Jesus Christ preached in the New Testament Scriptures. The true gospel of Jesus Christ must tell you to do the following things in your Christian way of living or life:(i). To give to God's work according to your financial ability and based on what you have and never on what you do not have. (ii). To be content with what you have. (III). To diligently plan and budget your personal income or incomes wisely. (iv). To live within your own personal means as a Christian and never to go into any unnecessary borrowings or debts in the name of giving, spending or acquiring material things of life.
(v). To always put some of your money away into personal savings or investments to serve as your emergency funds that you can use against any raining days or any unforeseen financial needs. (vi). To stop the habit of wasting your money by buying the things that you do not need in this life and in all reality. (vii). To learn new skills for jobs, employment or business that are in high demand, to apply for new job openings that suit your education, work experiences, skills, career goals or your financial expectations in this life. To make effort to change your career if your current career is no longer in high demand into the more lucrative ones and to also pursue more education that will eventually improve your present life situations and incomes. This is the true gospel that will always work for you in all truth, honesty and reality and never for its preacher or teachers only.
Everywhere this greed gospel is preached today and it is received or practiced, the results that this gospel produces are always two visible, but totally distinct and very different outcomes in real life. The first outcome from this greed gospel are the preachers of this gospel who become super-rich in money and in the material things of this life overnight at the expense of their givers. The second outcomes are their followers, supporters and the givers to this gospel who are still extremely poor financially and materially despite their dedication and the sacrificial givings to this gospel.
Any gospel that is preached today by any man that uses the teachings of the Bible, in the name of Jesus Christ and the Christian faith that does not tell you to practice these 7 important life elements is a different type of gospel from the gospel of Jesus Christ or the gospel that Jesus Christ preached in the New Testament Scriptures. The true gospel of Jesus Christ must tell you to do the following things in your Christian way of living or life:(i). To give to God's work according to your financial ability and based on what you have and never on what you do not have. (ii). To be content with what you have. (III). To diligently plan and budget your personal income or incomes wisely. (iv). To live within your own personal means as a Christian and never to go into any unnecessary borrowings or debts in the name of giving, spending or acquiring material things of life.
(v). To always put some of your money away into personal savings or investments to serve as your emergency funds that you can use against any raining days or any unforeseen financial needs. (vi). To stop the habit of wasting your money by buying the things that you do not need in this life and in all reality. (vii). To learn new skills for jobs, employment or business that are in high demand, to apply for new job openings that suit your education, work experiences, skills, career goals or your financial expectations in this life. To make effort to change your career if your current career is no longer in high demand into the more lucrative ones and to also pursue more education that will eventually improve your present life situations and incomes. This is the true gospel that will always work for you in all truth, honesty and reality and never for its preacher or teachers only.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
(i). Who has the official custody or the official possession of the original legal document that was signed into law on January 1, 1914 at Zungeru in the present day Niger State of Nigeria that amalgamated the two British colonies of the Northern protectorate and the Southern protectorate together in 1914 to form the new British colony that was named as Nigeria by the then British colonial authority that was led by Governor General Lord Lugard?
(ii). Why is this legal document hidden from the ordinary Nigerians since 1914 to date? What exactly were the legal terms in this political amalgamation document? Why is this document which is legally superior to the present Nigerian constitution of 1999 and still remains the most important legal material to date that binds the over 450 ethnic nationalities, many religious and cultural groups together as one nation and then ended those caliphates, kingdoms and empires for almost 100 years now not publicly accessible to anyone or made public since 1914 to Nigerians?
(iii). Is it true that this important amalgamation document will officially expire at 12:01am on the January 1, 2014 when Nigeria will be exactly 100 years old as a nation? Has this legal document that was signed into law in 1914 finally set on stone forever and can never or must never be amended or revisited again in our lifetime no matter what Nigeria is facing or going through today in this 21st century dynamic human universe? Why are we still using this unseen and this unknown legal document for almost 100 years that has no single political contribution or input from the 450 different ethnic nationalities, the many religious faiths and the cultural groups that formed the present day Nigeria to run the national affairs of Nigeria ?
(ii). Why is this legal document hidden from the ordinary Nigerians since 1914 to date? What exactly were the legal terms in this political amalgamation document? Why is this document which is legally superior to the present Nigerian constitution of 1999 and still remains the most important legal material to date that binds the over 450 ethnic nationalities, many religious and cultural groups together as one nation and then ended those caliphates, kingdoms and empires for almost 100 years now not publicly accessible to anyone or made public since 1914 to Nigerians?
(iii). Is it true that this important amalgamation document will officially expire at 12:01am on the January 1, 2014 when Nigeria will be exactly 100 years old as a nation? Has this legal document that was signed into law in 1914 finally set on stone forever and can never or must never be amended or revisited again in our lifetime no matter what Nigeria is facing or going through today in this 21st century dynamic human universe? Why are we still using this unseen and this unknown legal document for almost 100 years that has no single political contribution or input from the 450 different ethnic nationalities, the many religious faiths and the cultural groups that formed the present day Nigeria to run the national affairs of Nigeria ?
Monday, May 20, 2013
A true Christian faith must be based on the person and the finished work (death, burial, resurrection, ascension and glorification) of Jesus Christ alone on the cross at Calvary mountain. The person and the finished work of Jesus Christ is what the Scriptures called the grace of God that is freely made available for the eternal salvation of mankind. The Christian faith in Jesus Christ cannot be practiced independently and in complete isolation from the sound doctrine of the word of God which is always in a direct conformity with the true guidance of the Holy Sprit of God. Faith in the person and the finished work of Jesus Christ makes any member of the human race who does that a Christian. To practice the Christian faith outside the doctrinal teachings of the Bible will directly open that individual to the high possibility of following extra-biblical teachings and the revelations of men.
Prosperity Gospel is NOT the Gospel of Grace, Truth and Salvation. The self-invented teachings of men that are very popular and generally accepted today worldwide are NOT the sound biblical doctrine and the words of the Lord Jesus Christ. The hero-worshipping of these Mortal and Mere Men of God are simply the total abominations to the living God and to the deity of Jesus Christ the Lord. Legalism and work-oriented salvation CANNOT save anyone eternally. FAITH alone in the person and the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary wrought 2000 years ago saves the sinner in truth, honesty and reality.
Prosperity Gospel is NOT the Gospel of Grace, Truth and Salvation. The self-invented teachings of men that are very popular and generally accepted today worldwide are NOT the sound biblical doctrine and the words of the Lord Jesus Christ. The hero-worshipping of these Mortal and Mere Men of God are simply the total abominations to the living God and to the deity of Jesus Christ the Lord. Legalism and work-oriented salvation CANNOT save anyone eternally. FAITH alone in the person and the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary wrought 2000 years ago saves the sinner in truth, honesty and reality.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Nigeria's whole economy has nose-dived from good to the worst since the federal government of Nigeria decided to directly involved these two global financial institutions in the daily running of our national economy as a sovereign nation by borrowing those high-interest rate loans from these international agencies and by forcing the Nigeria's government to implement their suggested anti-Nigerian economic policies. This nonsense started under the watch and the presidency of Alhaji Shehu Shagari in the early 1980s after those public elected and appointed officials that served under the government of Shehu Shagari looted the Nigeria's treasury and also mismanaged the nation's oil revenues.
Nigeria is the only "major oil-rich nation" in the world in 2013 that keeps borrowing money day in and day out from the World Bank, the IMF and the European financial institutions to survive as a nation despite her GDP of about $273 billion a year, her annual economic growth rate of 7% and plus her daily oil production of about 2.5 million barrels of oil at $100 a barrel in the international market that generates about $250 million a day or $7.5 billion a month or $90 billion a year.
Why and why are we still borrowing so much as a developing nation to run our national affairs in the midst of our own oil wealth? Are we not intentionally digging this nation and her future into huge debt that may eventually bankrupt the entire system one day in the nearest future? The answers to these questions are not too far-fetched for any sound-minded, objective, reasonable and sharp-thinking Nigerian to figure them out. The three major reasons why we have to borrow from IMF and the World Bank to survive as an oil-rich country are the following:(i).The unabated national culture of treasury looting or the official culture of corruption by our political leaders, the top civil servants and their cronies. (ii).The massive mismanagement of our state revenues by our elected, appointed and government officials for decades on those white elephant projects that this nation or her citizens do not need. (iii).The continuous use of about 30% of our current annual federal budget to pay the hefty salaries and allowances of our 17,500 public elected officials that are only about 0.001% of all Nigerians in the name of democracy, party politics and public service.
Nigeria is the only "major oil-rich nation" in the world in 2013 that keeps borrowing money day in and day out from the World Bank, the IMF and the European financial institutions to survive as a nation despite her GDP of about $273 billion a year, her annual economic growth rate of 7% and plus her daily oil production of about 2.5 million barrels of oil at $100 a barrel in the international market that generates about $250 million a day or $7.5 billion a month or $90 billion a year.
Why and why are we still borrowing so much as a developing nation to run our national affairs in the midst of our own oil wealth? Are we not intentionally digging this nation and her future into huge debt that may eventually bankrupt the entire system one day in the nearest future? The answers to these questions are not too far-fetched for any sound-minded, objective, reasonable and sharp-thinking Nigerian to figure them out. The three major reasons why we have to borrow from IMF and the World Bank to survive as an oil-rich country are the following:(i).The unabated national culture of treasury looting or the official culture of corruption by our political leaders, the top civil servants and their cronies. (ii).The massive mismanagement of our state revenues by our elected, appointed and government officials for decades on those white elephant projects that this nation or her citizens do not need. (iii).The continuous use of about 30% of our current annual federal budget to pay the hefty salaries and allowances of our 17,500 public elected officials that are only about 0.001% of all Nigerians in the name of democracy, party politics and public service.
Question:Having been in government twice as minster, what do you think about the state of the nation today?
Answer:If these bombs going off everyday kills any of these corrupt leaders, I will not shed any tears; I’ll clap, because they are destroying the system. It has become so bad that graduates are looking for driver jobs because there are no jobs. Graduates are serving as waiters in hotels and we say that we are a great country. During my time as minister, $1.5 was one naira. Two naira was £1. Now it is N240 to £1 and N160 to $1. That was how powerful we were. And they say we are not a failed state. If we are not a failed state, then we are a fast failing state. The earlier we realise it, the better. Nigeria needs emergency. President Goodluck Jonathan should use his power as the President to declare the whole of Nigeria an emergency state.
Question:The aviation ministry has said it would launch an investigation into the documents that River State Government used to purchase its aircraft. What is your take on this?
Answer:That plane has been flying in Nigeria for nearly one year. If the aviation ministry tells me that the Rivers State’s plane was flying in the country without documents, and they did not know, that is self indictment. How can a plane fly in your air space for one year and it is now you realise that it does not have documents? What if it was an enemy’s plane? Governor Rotimi Amaechi cannot be that irresponsible to fly a plane without documents. In all of these, my question is, why now? What has Amaechi done? During the 2011 election, Jonathan had the highest vote in Rivers State. Without the help of the governor of the state, he couldn’t have gotten that and they are very close. The Minister of State for Education, Mr. Nyesom Wike, was Amaechi’s bosom friend. Wike was Amaechi’s Chief of Staff. All that is happening in Rivers is personal and it is dragging the state and the country back. Jonathan heard that Amaechi wants to contest for vice-president in 2015. He (Jonathan) started fighting him. It’s all personal vendetta. The Nigerian Governors’ Forum, which is a forum of all state governors, does not belong to the Peoples Democratic Party, and should not be under the control of the President. I’ve told Jonathan before, I can reveal it. There is a proverb in Ijaw which says that if you chase a chicken too much, you will fall down and the chicken will go. If all Jonathan is doing is to guarantee 2015, I tell you, Jonathan may lose 2015 by fighting 2013. Amaechi has controlled the state very well. They expected action and reaction from the state which would have led to a crisis and then they would have declared a state of emergency. But if they are not careful, the way they are going, they will plunge this country into a serious crisis. It happened in the West, when (Ladoke) Akintola and (Obafemi) Awolowo were fighting. How did it end?
Question:Campaign for re-election of Jonathan in 2015 seems to have heated up with recent controversial comments by Asari-Dokubo and others.
Answer:People like Asari-Dokubo cannot help him. Asari-Dokubo is my cousin. How can Asari-Dokubo give Jonathan the presidency? He said the northerners are parasites. He used to stay with me. He dropped out of the university twice. He dropped out from the University of Port Harcourt; he dropped out from the University of Calabar. If you did elementary biology, you will know that there is no state in the country that is a parasite. Is it people like Edwin Clark that will help him win election? Edwin Clark abused me that as a former Minister of Petroleum, I don’t have a house. I think if I don’t have a house as petroleum minister, then it’s a plus to me. The total votes Jonathan had in the Ijaw area is 24 per cent, they should go and check. It was not the Ijaw people that put Jonathan in Aso Rock. Jonathan is in Aso Rock due to Olusegun Obasanjo, a Yoruba. The lady who moved the motion for the adoption of doctrine of necessity, Prof. Dora Akunyili, is Igbo. The person that moved the motion for Jonathan to become acting President is an Hausa. Ijaw people contributed less than 24 per cent to Jonathan becoming President. Therefore, Jonathan cannot allow Asari-Dokubo and others to be abusing people that made him the President. How many people are loyal to Asari-Dokubo? It’s just the Niger-Delta People’s Volunteer Force. That group does not exist again.
Answer:As a former petroleum minister, how do you rate the current administration’s management of the country’s petroleum resources and the economy?
Question:They have been talking about excess crude account, but there is nothing like excess crude account. What we have is extra crude account. There is a difference between excess and extra. When you talk about excess crude account, it means you have done everything and there is still more money. If you based your budget on $40 for example, and if later on, oil price went up to $50 per barrel, the $10 difference is not excess. It is extra. There is nothing called excess crude account. It’s a lie. It is intellectually fraudulent. And they would say our foreign reserves have gone to several billions, I’m not impressed. What do we want to do with that? Have you taken care of the country? it’s like somebody saying he has N10m in his bank account and is not able to feed himself and his children. I still have hope. God will intervene. But things cannot continue like this. We are slipping gradually into anarchy. Between anarchy and collapse is a very little stop. The polity is heated. Next year will be very hot. I’m not sure what will happen between now and the end of the year. I can see more crises.
Question:But don’t you think the state of emergency declared in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states would stop the crisis in the North, and save the country from the looming anarchy?
Answer:I’ve told them that emergency rule will not stop crisis. The Federal Government cannot win Boko Haram with force of arms. When it was happening in Niger Delta, I told them they cannot stop the militants with force and they realised it. You can only disperse the insurgency with force.
Question:Recently, the International Monetary Fund asked the Nigerian government to remove fuel subsidy. Considering the protest of it generated in 2012, what should the Federal Government do?
Answer:IMF has no right to ask the Federal Government to remove subsidy. When I was in government during Shehu Shagari’s time, they were negotiating some IMF loan, (Muhammadu) Buhari came and received IMF loan; (Ibrahim) Babangida came and received IMF loan. If you want me to borrow money from you and I say I don’t want to borrow money and you say I must borrow, that means that something is wrong with you. IMF cannot be friends with Nigeria. Both IMF and World Bank do not mean well for Nigeria. The fact is that there is no fuel subsidy. Anybody talking about fuel subsidy is fraudulent. If IMF said there is fuel subsidy, then IMF is fraudulent. I have a document in which (Ngozi) Okonjo-Iweala, who is the Minister of Finance, said there was mago mago in the administration of the so-called subsidy. We are paying for fuel that was not imported. They would move fuel from Port Harcourt to Lagos, they would say they brought from abroad. There is no fuel subsidy. Didn’t they say that if fuel did not sell for N141 per litre, Nigeria will collapse? The Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, Sanusi Lamido, said so. Jonathan said there was no going back. Didn’t he bring it down to N97 per litre? Has Nigeria collapsed? All of them are lying. I’ve been challenging them for about eight months now. I challenge Jonathan and his ministers to a public debate and I will prove to them that there is no fuel subsidy. Fuel should not cost more than N40 per litre in Nigeria. I said it; a professor in Texas, USA said the same thing that it should be around N39.50. They are lying, they know how much they are gaining. There are four refineries and none of them is operating at 40 per cent capacity. They deliberately destroyed the refineries so that they can import fuel.
Question:As a member of the constitution drafting committee in 1979, what would you say is wrong with the Nigerian Constitution?
Answer:There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the Nigerian Constitution. When we were drafting the 1979 Constitution, we worked for 11 months and we did not have allowance. We produced a document, which became the 1979 Constitution, which former Justice Mohammed Uwais said was the best constitution. There is nothing wrong with our constitution; the problem is with the people. Obasanjo said there were 11 errors in the constitution. When Murtala Mohammed died, that was the constitution that was handed to him (Obasanjo). He said there were errors in the constitution because he wanted to smuggle in his third term agenda. Immediately the issue of third term was over, there were no longer errors in the constitution. And let me tell you, all they are doing in Abuja in the name of constitution review, amount to a waste of time. The National Assembly cannot change the constitution by one letter. How to change the constitution is clear, what they are doing is rubbish. They have no power to amend the constitution. If you want to amend the constitution, the National Assembly has to agree by the majority that there is something to be amended. Then two-third of all the state Houses of Assembly must agree. This means Houses of Assembly in at least 24 states would have to approve the amendment. Then you come back to the House again. So, they have not even started. It’s just a waste of time. What they have been saying that the 1979 Constitution was imposed on Nigerians by the military is a lie. I will soon publish what Murtala Mohammed said when he inaugurated us. He said, ‘recommend anything.’ No military government imposed 1979 Constitution on us. How can you say you have somebody like Chief Rotimi Williams and teleguide him? Other eminent lawyers like Prof. Ben Nwabueze were there. The constitution amendment they are doing is nothing but an exercise in futility. It’s obvious that most of them in the National Assembly have not read the constitution. It is like saying you are a Christian and you have not read the Bible. If they have read the constitution they would have stopped this exercise. It’s so bad that they cannot even create states; they cannot change local governments. When we were writing the constitution, Rotimi Williams told us that by putting the names of the states, it means that nobody can create states and local governments without going through constitution amendment and constitution amendment is difficult. It is difficult because that constitution is the fundamental law of the country.
Question:You recently criticised the Federal Government of exposing the country too much to US intelligence. Why did you say so?
Answer:Yes, I said so and I still stand by it. The US Federal Bureau of Intelligence was to open an office in Nigeria and I said they should not. If you allow the intelligence agency of a foreign country to open an office in your country, are you not making your country more porous? Worse still, it is a country that is more sophisticated than Nigeria. Our politicians are fond of glamorising America, but they would never tried to improve our infrastructure and system to be like what they see when they travel to America. What Jonathan is doing, no American President can try it. In a federation, no state is subject to the Federal Government. They are partners. No president can dictate to a state governor what to do. But here Jonathan can order state governors. That is even worse than military government. Murtala Muhammed did not dictate to states. The governors are executives in their states, and the President is the executive at the federal level, so the President has no constitutional right to dictate to state governors. They must stop these excesses. This arrogance of power must stop or we will go into chaos.
Question:The new Petroleum Industry Bill has been controversial. What’s your opinion of it?
Answer:There are some good parts in the bill, but it is a political bill. A bill that has 40 words as title cannot be a serious bill. The new PIB has 40 words as title, so it’s a rambling document. There are a lot of things in it. If you look at the bill, they are to open a petroleum institute at Effurun, Delta State and open another one in Kaduna for the middle man. I think the oil producing states should set-up a high-powered panel of professionals to look at that bill in order for them to take a common stand, because that bill has a lot of politics in it. There are attractive areas, but look beyond the attractive areas. Oil-producing states shouldn’t just buy the bill like that.
Question:But can’t the new PIB help solve the Niger-Delta problem?
Answer:It can’t. Niger-Delta problem is not about petroleum. Hundreds of Asari-Dokubo cannot get Nigerians to fight. Can he fight? How can he say if Jonathan is not re-elected, Niger-Delta will go into crisis?
Question:Do you agree that the standard of education has fallen in Nigeria?
Answer:Education is finished. We had about 128 universities about two weeks ago, now they have added 10 more universities. That is irresponsible. Jonathan opened one university in his town, Federal University of Otuoke. We should equip the universities we have. I’ve been teaching in the university since 1967, I know that the standard has gone down so much.
Question:What can be done to revive the education sector?
Answer:To be strict; we have over one million students in Nigerian universities; this does not include those in distant learning. We graduated hundreds of thousands of them and there are no jobs. It is bad enough that you leave the secondary and there is no job. It is bad that people graduate from the university and there is no job, then instead of creating high-level manpower, we are creating high-level criminals. It’s very bad.
Question:The North seems hell-bent on getting a President from the region in 2015.
Answer:The North is not hell-bent on getting a northerner as President in 2015. Some reckless Ijaw are even more hell-bent in getting Jonathan to go for second term. There is nothing like northern domination in Nigeria. To be the President of Nigeria, you must have popular votes from different parts of the country. We have 36 states, about half are in the North and the rest, in the South. So, one part cannot really dominate the other. The North is not insisting on the next President coming from the North. Every party has the right to institute any policy they want. PDP said there should be rotation between North and South and Jonathan said yes and signed. Now, you signed that you are going for one term, the Governor of Niger State, Aliyu Babangida, is a responsible man, he cannot be lying. If they are serious, let them form a committee and Aliyu will present the document to the committee. The way Jonathan is going, if he does not restrain the people who are speaking for him, he will lose 2015 in 2013 - The Punch Newspaper of Nigeria.
Answer:If these bombs going off everyday kills any of these corrupt leaders, I will not shed any tears; I’ll clap, because they are destroying the system. It has become so bad that graduates are looking for driver jobs because there are no jobs. Graduates are serving as waiters in hotels and we say that we are a great country. During my time as minister, $1.5 was one naira. Two naira was £1. Now it is N240 to £1 and N160 to $1. That was how powerful we were. And they say we are not a failed state. If we are not a failed state, then we are a fast failing state. The earlier we realise it, the better. Nigeria needs emergency. President Goodluck Jonathan should use his power as the President to declare the whole of Nigeria an emergency state.
Question:The aviation ministry has said it would launch an investigation into the documents that River State Government used to purchase its aircraft. What is your take on this?
Answer:That plane has been flying in Nigeria for nearly one year. If the aviation ministry tells me that the Rivers State’s plane was flying in the country without documents, and they did not know, that is self indictment. How can a plane fly in your air space for one year and it is now you realise that it does not have documents? What if it was an enemy’s plane? Governor Rotimi Amaechi cannot be that irresponsible to fly a plane without documents. In all of these, my question is, why now? What has Amaechi done? During the 2011 election, Jonathan had the highest vote in Rivers State. Without the help of the governor of the state, he couldn’t have gotten that and they are very close. The Minister of State for Education, Mr. Nyesom Wike, was Amaechi’s bosom friend. Wike was Amaechi’s Chief of Staff. All that is happening in Rivers is personal and it is dragging the state and the country back. Jonathan heard that Amaechi wants to contest for vice-president in 2015. He (Jonathan) started fighting him. It’s all personal vendetta. The Nigerian Governors’ Forum, which is a forum of all state governors, does not belong to the Peoples Democratic Party, and should not be under the control of the President. I’ve told Jonathan before, I can reveal it. There is a proverb in Ijaw which says that if you chase a chicken too much, you will fall down and the chicken will go. If all Jonathan is doing is to guarantee 2015, I tell you, Jonathan may lose 2015 by fighting 2013. Amaechi has controlled the state very well. They expected action and reaction from the state which would have led to a crisis and then they would have declared a state of emergency. But if they are not careful, the way they are going, they will plunge this country into a serious crisis. It happened in the West, when (Ladoke) Akintola and (Obafemi) Awolowo were fighting. How did it end?
Question:Campaign for re-election of Jonathan in 2015 seems to have heated up with recent controversial comments by Asari-Dokubo and others.
Answer:People like Asari-Dokubo cannot help him. Asari-Dokubo is my cousin. How can Asari-Dokubo give Jonathan the presidency? He said the northerners are parasites. He used to stay with me. He dropped out of the university twice. He dropped out from the University of Port Harcourt; he dropped out from the University of Calabar. If you did elementary biology, you will know that there is no state in the country that is a parasite. Is it people like Edwin Clark that will help him win election? Edwin Clark abused me that as a former Minister of Petroleum, I don’t have a house. I think if I don’t have a house as petroleum minister, then it’s a plus to me. The total votes Jonathan had in the Ijaw area is 24 per cent, they should go and check. It was not the Ijaw people that put Jonathan in Aso Rock. Jonathan is in Aso Rock due to Olusegun Obasanjo, a Yoruba. The lady who moved the motion for the adoption of doctrine of necessity, Prof. Dora Akunyili, is Igbo. The person that moved the motion for Jonathan to become acting President is an Hausa. Ijaw people contributed less than 24 per cent to Jonathan becoming President. Therefore, Jonathan cannot allow Asari-Dokubo and others to be abusing people that made him the President. How many people are loyal to Asari-Dokubo? It’s just the Niger-Delta People’s Volunteer Force. That group does not exist again.
Answer:As a former petroleum minister, how do you rate the current administration’s management of the country’s petroleum resources and the economy?
Question:They have been talking about excess crude account, but there is nothing like excess crude account. What we have is extra crude account. There is a difference between excess and extra. When you talk about excess crude account, it means you have done everything and there is still more money. If you based your budget on $40 for example, and if later on, oil price went up to $50 per barrel, the $10 difference is not excess. It is extra. There is nothing called excess crude account. It’s a lie. It is intellectually fraudulent. And they would say our foreign reserves have gone to several billions, I’m not impressed. What do we want to do with that? Have you taken care of the country? it’s like somebody saying he has N10m in his bank account and is not able to feed himself and his children. I still have hope. God will intervene. But things cannot continue like this. We are slipping gradually into anarchy. Between anarchy and collapse is a very little stop. The polity is heated. Next year will be very hot. I’m not sure what will happen between now and the end of the year. I can see more crises.
Question:But don’t you think the state of emergency declared in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states would stop the crisis in the North, and save the country from the looming anarchy?
Answer:I’ve told them that emergency rule will not stop crisis. The Federal Government cannot win Boko Haram with force of arms. When it was happening in Niger Delta, I told them they cannot stop the militants with force and they realised it. You can only disperse the insurgency with force.
Question:Recently, the International Monetary Fund asked the Nigerian government to remove fuel subsidy. Considering the protest of it generated in 2012, what should the Federal Government do?
Answer:IMF has no right to ask the Federal Government to remove subsidy. When I was in government during Shehu Shagari’s time, they were negotiating some IMF loan, (Muhammadu) Buhari came and received IMF loan; (Ibrahim) Babangida came and received IMF loan. If you want me to borrow money from you and I say I don’t want to borrow money and you say I must borrow, that means that something is wrong with you. IMF cannot be friends with Nigeria. Both IMF and World Bank do not mean well for Nigeria. The fact is that there is no fuel subsidy. Anybody talking about fuel subsidy is fraudulent. If IMF said there is fuel subsidy, then IMF is fraudulent. I have a document in which (Ngozi) Okonjo-Iweala, who is the Minister of Finance, said there was mago mago in the administration of the so-called subsidy. We are paying for fuel that was not imported. They would move fuel from Port Harcourt to Lagos, they would say they brought from abroad. There is no fuel subsidy. Didn’t they say that if fuel did not sell for N141 per litre, Nigeria will collapse? The Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, Sanusi Lamido, said so. Jonathan said there was no going back. Didn’t he bring it down to N97 per litre? Has Nigeria collapsed? All of them are lying. I’ve been challenging them for about eight months now. I challenge Jonathan and his ministers to a public debate and I will prove to them that there is no fuel subsidy. Fuel should not cost more than N40 per litre in Nigeria. I said it; a professor in Texas, USA said the same thing that it should be around N39.50. They are lying, they know how much they are gaining. There are four refineries and none of them is operating at 40 per cent capacity. They deliberately destroyed the refineries so that they can import fuel.
Question:As a member of the constitution drafting committee in 1979, what would you say is wrong with the Nigerian Constitution?
Answer:There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the Nigerian Constitution. When we were drafting the 1979 Constitution, we worked for 11 months and we did not have allowance. We produced a document, which became the 1979 Constitution, which former Justice Mohammed Uwais said was the best constitution. There is nothing wrong with our constitution; the problem is with the people. Obasanjo said there were 11 errors in the constitution. When Murtala Mohammed died, that was the constitution that was handed to him (Obasanjo). He said there were errors in the constitution because he wanted to smuggle in his third term agenda. Immediately the issue of third term was over, there were no longer errors in the constitution. And let me tell you, all they are doing in Abuja in the name of constitution review, amount to a waste of time. The National Assembly cannot change the constitution by one letter. How to change the constitution is clear, what they are doing is rubbish. They have no power to amend the constitution. If you want to amend the constitution, the National Assembly has to agree by the majority that there is something to be amended. Then two-third of all the state Houses of Assembly must agree. This means Houses of Assembly in at least 24 states would have to approve the amendment. Then you come back to the House again. So, they have not even started. It’s just a waste of time. What they have been saying that the 1979 Constitution was imposed on Nigerians by the military is a lie. I will soon publish what Murtala Mohammed said when he inaugurated us. He said, ‘recommend anything.’ No military government imposed 1979 Constitution on us. How can you say you have somebody like Chief Rotimi Williams and teleguide him? Other eminent lawyers like Prof. Ben Nwabueze were there. The constitution amendment they are doing is nothing but an exercise in futility. It’s obvious that most of them in the National Assembly have not read the constitution. It is like saying you are a Christian and you have not read the Bible. If they have read the constitution they would have stopped this exercise. It’s so bad that they cannot even create states; they cannot change local governments. When we were writing the constitution, Rotimi Williams told us that by putting the names of the states, it means that nobody can create states and local governments without going through constitution amendment and constitution amendment is difficult. It is difficult because that constitution is the fundamental law of the country.
Question:You recently criticised the Federal Government of exposing the country too much to US intelligence. Why did you say so?
Answer:Yes, I said so and I still stand by it. The US Federal Bureau of Intelligence was to open an office in Nigeria and I said they should not. If you allow the intelligence agency of a foreign country to open an office in your country, are you not making your country more porous? Worse still, it is a country that is more sophisticated than Nigeria. Our politicians are fond of glamorising America, but they would never tried to improve our infrastructure and system to be like what they see when they travel to America. What Jonathan is doing, no American President can try it. In a federation, no state is subject to the Federal Government. They are partners. No president can dictate to a state governor what to do. But here Jonathan can order state governors. That is even worse than military government. Murtala Muhammed did not dictate to states. The governors are executives in their states, and the President is the executive at the federal level, so the President has no constitutional right to dictate to state governors. They must stop these excesses. This arrogance of power must stop or we will go into chaos.
Question:The new Petroleum Industry Bill has been controversial. What’s your opinion of it?
Answer:There are some good parts in the bill, but it is a political bill. A bill that has 40 words as title cannot be a serious bill. The new PIB has 40 words as title, so it’s a rambling document. There are a lot of things in it. If you look at the bill, they are to open a petroleum institute at Effurun, Delta State and open another one in Kaduna for the middle man. I think the oil producing states should set-up a high-powered panel of professionals to look at that bill in order for them to take a common stand, because that bill has a lot of politics in it. There are attractive areas, but look beyond the attractive areas. Oil-producing states shouldn’t just buy the bill like that.
Question:But can’t the new PIB help solve the Niger-Delta problem?
Answer:It can’t. Niger-Delta problem is not about petroleum. Hundreds of Asari-Dokubo cannot get Nigerians to fight. Can he fight? How can he say if Jonathan is not re-elected, Niger-Delta will go into crisis?
Question:Do you agree that the standard of education has fallen in Nigeria?
Answer:Education is finished. We had about 128 universities about two weeks ago, now they have added 10 more universities. That is irresponsible. Jonathan opened one university in his town, Federal University of Otuoke. We should equip the universities we have. I’ve been teaching in the university since 1967, I know that the standard has gone down so much.
Question:What can be done to revive the education sector?
Answer:To be strict; we have over one million students in Nigerian universities; this does not include those in distant learning. We graduated hundreds of thousands of them and there are no jobs. It is bad enough that you leave the secondary and there is no job. It is bad that people graduate from the university and there is no job, then instead of creating high-level manpower, we are creating high-level criminals. It’s very bad.
Question:The North seems hell-bent on getting a President from the region in 2015.
Answer:The North is not hell-bent on getting a northerner as President in 2015. Some reckless Ijaw are even more hell-bent in getting Jonathan to go for second term. There is nothing like northern domination in Nigeria. To be the President of Nigeria, you must have popular votes from different parts of the country. We have 36 states, about half are in the North and the rest, in the South. So, one part cannot really dominate the other. The North is not insisting on the next President coming from the North. Every party has the right to institute any policy they want. PDP said there should be rotation between North and South and Jonathan said yes and signed. Now, you signed that you are going for one term, the Governor of Niger State, Aliyu Babangida, is a responsible man, he cannot be lying. If they are serious, let them form a committee and Aliyu will present the document to the committee. The way Jonathan is going, if he does not restrain the people who are speaking for him, he will lose 2015 in 2013 - The Punch Newspaper of Nigeria.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Former Minister of Petroleum, Professor Tam David-West, has landed a hard knock on church leaders in Nigeria, saying they reek of corruption and other abominable practices that bring shame upon Christianity as a religion. He said this was the reason he stopped attending church services as he could not be part of a corruption-laden church as is the case in Nigeria. As documented in the Bible, prophets and those considered close to God were dreaded by kings and rulers. This is however not so in Nigeria, as according to Professor David-West, those who should be seen as men of God have soiled their hands using proceeds from corruption and unethical activities.
The Professor of Virology spoke Thursday when he was honoured alongside other Nigerians such as the late Chief Gani Fawehinmi, former Governor of Lagos State, Lateef Jakande, a journalist, Alhaji Razaq Bamidele, and a police corporal, Azeez Arogundade, by the Coalition Against Corrupt Leaders , CACOL, in Lagos. “I don’t go to church again, because I see a lot of corruption. Many of the things I was taught in church and in mission schools have been lost and I cannot practise their modern day teachings,” he said.
Professor David-West recalled an incident some years back where a staff of Sheraton Hotel stole millions of naira from his employer and donated same to Christ Embassy church and the head of the church claimed the money was donated as tithe to the church and not to any individual. To further buttress his anger at the church leaders, he said they now shy away from telling corrupt leaders the truth, adding that these days, “when political leaders go to church, they go with a lot of camera men.
“They kneel with pious faces while deep down, their hearts are as dark as the pot. They donate to the church thinking they can bribe God,” he said. The former minister who was honoured with the ‘Symbol of Integrity’ award also advocated for capital punishment for election riggers in the country, saying they are the real destroyers of the country’s economy. He noted that the Boko Haram sect was not the real problem facing the country. According to him, the problem is those who sponsor the group.
“Our President said there are Boko Haram members in his government but he has not been able to bring them to book; maybe the book has not been printed,” David-West said. He maintained that the country had enough money to keep it going and lamented that corruption, which is now official in the country, has made a mockery of Nigeria among the comity of nations. He warned those who have continued to steal the country blind of a special place for them in hell, warning further that if they refuse to leave government, God would visit them in the way they least expect.
“I have refused a national honour because some of those who would stand before us at the podium are thieves,” he said, adding that corruption had permeated the entire country. “If you are working with a head of state that is corrupt, you are in trouble, because they would do everything to frustrate you,” he added. He recalled how he was jailed for life for drinking tea and accepting a gold wrist-watch, adding that he once told the Oni of Ife that, “my sin is that I refused to sin.” He also recalled that as minister, he had about 90 per cent of the country’s wealth in his hands, but that he remained upright in the presence of serious temptation - PM News.
The Republican Party of America that is also known as the Grand Old Party or the GOP is fighting the most important political battle of its life to remain a viable national political organ that is capable of winning the White House again in 2016 or in the nearest future. The presidential election results of November 6, 2012 showed that America's major minority groups and demographics, such as the Latino-Americans, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, the young Americans between the age of 19-30 years and the single white women that are under 40 years old all united together to reject the GOP in 2012. If these ongoing political trends continue unabated, the GOP may be reduced in the nearest future to a southern or a regional political party that will be made up of the majority of the American old white men and women.
This huge political challenge or problem in the GOP has forced all its politically diverse and ideologically different interest groups, such as the establishment, the Tea Party, the Christian religious rights, the Libertarians and the Birther Movement of this party to continue to fight for the control of this political party at the center. These groups within the GOP are also solidly united together for the political destruction of the presidency and the political agendas of Barack Obama in his second term or his last term in the White House. The fear of Hilary Clinton, who remains the most popular politician in America today, and with the high possibility of running for the White House in 2016 and how to stop her before 2016 remains the biggest political nightmare for all these diverse political elements of the GOP today.
Because President Barack Obama cannot be defeated again by elections, the GOP has now developed a new political method based on the hurting for political scandals that never existed as their only way to achieve their political goals against the Obama's second term presidency. The entire GOP machinery and its House members are doing everything that is humanly and politically possible to turn the terrorist attacks on the American consulate office in Benghazi, Libya last year that resulted in the death of the American ambassador to Libya and the 3 other Americans into a political scandal for Obama. In the last one week, the GOP have also attempted to turn the administrative decision that was carried out by the IRS officials who decided to over-scrutinized the registration applications of some of the conservative groups who applied for tax exemption and the social welfare status into a political scandal for Obama. The recent revelation that showed that the United States Department of Justice seizure of the phone records of some of the Associated Press offices and their journalists has now become another political opportunity for the GOP to create another political scandal for the Obama presidency.
These self-made and self-created political scandals of the GOP will soon collapse like a pack of cards and will never stick to the historical presidency of Barack Obama because the President does not oversee directly the day to day operations of the IRS, the US Justice Department or the State Department. President Barack Obama has also done everything within his constitutional powers and responsibilities to address all these issues as required by law. These politically generated scandals that do not exist in all reality may cause the GOP the loss of some of its House seats in the 2014 midterm election and may encourage Hilary Clinton to run in 2016 for the White House again all these odds from the GOP. The biggest problem that GOP faces today in my own judgement is not those non-existing scandals but how to win back the hearts and the minds of the American minority groups and demographics that rejected the GOP at the polls in 2012. If the GOP continues to focus all its time, energy and attention on scandal-creation when no scandals exist anywhere, this political method will never allow the GOP to become a truly viable national political party again in America that will be capable of winning the White House back in 2016 or in our lifetime.
This huge political challenge or problem in the GOP has forced all its politically diverse and ideologically different interest groups, such as the establishment, the Tea Party, the Christian religious rights, the Libertarians and the Birther Movement of this party to continue to fight for the control of this political party at the center. These groups within the GOP are also solidly united together for the political destruction of the presidency and the political agendas of Barack Obama in his second term or his last term in the White House. The fear of Hilary Clinton, who remains the most popular politician in America today, and with the high possibility of running for the White House in 2016 and how to stop her before 2016 remains the biggest political nightmare for all these diverse political elements of the GOP today.
Because President Barack Obama cannot be defeated again by elections, the GOP has now developed a new political method based on the hurting for political scandals that never existed as their only way to achieve their political goals against the Obama's second term presidency. The entire GOP machinery and its House members are doing everything that is humanly and politically possible to turn the terrorist attacks on the American consulate office in Benghazi, Libya last year that resulted in the death of the American ambassador to Libya and the 3 other Americans into a political scandal for Obama. In the last one week, the GOP have also attempted to turn the administrative decision that was carried out by the IRS officials who decided to over-scrutinized the registration applications of some of the conservative groups who applied for tax exemption and the social welfare status into a political scandal for Obama. The recent revelation that showed that the United States Department of Justice seizure of the phone records of some of the Associated Press offices and their journalists has now become another political opportunity for the GOP to create another political scandal for the Obama presidency.
These self-made and self-created political scandals of the GOP will soon collapse like a pack of cards and will never stick to the historical presidency of Barack Obama because the President does not oversee directly the day to day operations of the IRS, the US Justice Department or the State Department. President Barack Obama has also done everything within his constitutional powers and responsibilities to address all these issues as required by law. These politically generated scandals that do not exist in all reality may cause the GOP the loss of some of its House seats in the 2014 midterm election and may encourage Hilary Clinton to run in 2016 for the White House again all these odds from the GOP. The biggest problem that GOP faces today in my own judgement is not those non-existing scandals but how to win back the hearts and the minds of the American minority groups and demographics that rejected the GOP at the polls in 2012. If the GOP continues to focus all its time, energy and attention on scandal-creation when no scandals exist anywhere, this political method will never allow the GOP to become a truly viable national political party again in America that will be capable of winning the White House back in 2016 or in our lifetime.
Friday, May 17, 2013
"THE QUESTION ABOUT THE TRUE NATIONAL UNITY LINGERS ON IN NIGERIA TODAY AFTER ALMOST 100 YEARS OF FORMATION":Even Lord Lugard, who was the British Governor General who set up the Nigerian nation on January 1, 1914 and the principal founding fathers of Nigeria that fought for her independence from Britain and won it in 1960 who had had the major universities, streets, public buildings, national currencies and postage stamps named in their memories in Nigeria today did not believe in one united Nigeria that is ethnically and religiously blinded from the onset and from their various documented comments about Nigeria that are listed below:
LORD LUGARD:“The North and the South are like oil and water, they will never mix.” Yet he went ahead and amalgamated them.
ALHAJI SIR ABUBAKAR TAFAWA BALEWA:“The Southern people who are swamping into this region daily in such large numbers are really intruders; we don’t want them and they are not welcome here in the North. Since 1914, the British Government has been trying to make Nigeria into one country. But the people are different in every way, including religion, custom, language and aspirations… we in the North take it that Nigeria unity is only a British intention for the country they created. IT IS NOT FOR US”.
CHIEF JEREMIAH OBAFEMI AWOLOWO:“Nigeria is only a geographical expression to which life was given by the diabolical amalgamation of 1914, that amalgamation will EVER remain the most painful injury a British Government inflicted on Southern Nigeria”.
AL-HAJJI SIR AHMADU BELLO:“The new nation called Nigeria should be an estate from our great grandfather, Othman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We must use the minorities in the North as willing tools, and the south as conquered territories and never allow them to have control of their future.”
Retired GENERAL YAKUBU GOWON:“Suffice it to say that putting all considerations to the test, political, economic as well as social, the basis of unity is not there.”
Is Nigeria not more divided today in 2013 than in 1914? Are those caliphates, kingdoms, empires and their internal boundaries that were officially eliminated in 1914 by the amalgamation of the Northern and Southern protectorates together to form Nigeria not rapidly forming back again almost 100 years later? Do Nigerians today see themselves first and foremost as Nigerians or as ethnic nationals, Christians, Muslims, traditionalists or pagans? Are MASSOB, OPC, MEND, Boko Haram and the other ethnic, religious, militants and cultural groups across the length and breath of Nigeria today not the new 21st century caliphates, kingdoms and empires that were believed to have been finally laid to rest in 1914 by Lord Lugard?
In conclusion:what is the way forward for Nigeria in this 21st human universe? I believe 100% that the present day Nigeria that was formed in 1914 was structurally deficient. Nigeria will never work without holding an independent Sovereign National Conference that will decide the new terms of engagement for her 450 ethnic nationalities, many religious faiths and cultures who were fully exempted by Britain and Lord Lugard in the formation of Nigeria in 1914.
LORD LUGARD:“The North and the South are like oil and water, they will never mix.” Yet he went ahead and amalgamated them.
ALHAJI SIR ABUBAKAR TAFAWA BALEWA:“The Southern people who are swamping into this region daily in such large numbers are really intruders; we don’t want them and they are not welcome here in the North. Since 1914, the British Government has been trying to make Nigeria into one country. But the people are different in every way, including religion, custom, language and aspirations… we in the North take it that Nigeria unity is only a British intention for the country they created. IT IS NOT FOR US”.
CHIEF JEREMIAH OBAFEMI AWOLOWO:“Nigeria is only a geographical expression to which life was given by the diabolical amalgamation of 1914, that amalgamation will EVER remain the most painful injury a British Government inflicted on Southern Nigeria”.
AL-HAJJI SIR AHMADU BELLO:“The new nation called Nigeria should be an estate from our great grandfather, Othman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We must use the minorities in the North as willing tools, and the south as conquered territories and never allow them to have control of their future.”
Retired GENERAL YAKUBU GOWON:“Suffice it to say that putting all considerations to the test, political, economic as well as social, the basis of unity is not there.”
Is Nigeria not more divided today in 2013 than in 1914? Are those caliphates, kingdoms, empires and their internal boundaries that were officially eliminated in 1914 by the amalgamation of the Northern and Southern protectorates together to form Nigeria not rapidly forming back again almost 100 years later? Do Nigerians today see themselves first and foremost as Nigerians or as ethnic nationals, Christians, Muslims, traditionalists or pagans? Are MASSOB, OPC, MEND, Boko Haram and the other ethnic, religious, militants and cultural groups across the length and breath of Nigeria today not the new 21st century caliphates, kingdoms and empires that were believed to have been finally laid to rest in 1914 by Lord Lugard?
In conclusion:what is the way forward for Nigeria in this 21st human universe? I believe 100% that the present day Nigeria that was formed in 1914 was structurally deficient. Nigeria will never work without holding an independent Sovereign National Conference that will decide the new terms of engagement for her 450 ethnic nationalities, many religious faiths and cultures who were fully exempted by Britain and Lord Lugard in the formation of Nigeria in 1914.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
How in the world do we as a nation known as Nigeria ever allowed a mediocre and a nonentity like Dr. Yerima Ngama to be our finance minister in Nigeria and to be speaking to the nation on why we need to borrow more money from those westerner financial agencies? In his words, Dr. Yerima Ngama said “Nigeria’s debt is about 18 per cent of the nation’s GDP. The nation is under-borrowing. The standard is 40 per cent of GDP; it is when it is over that that there is a problem. We should borrow more, considering our economic activities. There is no problem with the level of our debt. The problem is the domestic debt. Interest rates are too high. Yes, we must continue to borrow. It is only poor people that do not borrow. Dangote and others borrow; you can borrow once you are credit worthy. America is the most indebted country in the world. Borrowing is good. The more money you have, the more money you need. There is nothing like satisfaction. If we are not oil rich, nobody will lend to us. We are borrowing because we have many projects.”.
(i). Is Ngama truly a good or a poor student of history to have easily forgotten how Olusegun Obasanjo, the former Nigerian President went all over the western world and begging for the forgiveness and for the cancellation of our huge crushing foreign debts? (ii). Has Ngama forgotten that the debtor is always the servant and at the mercy of the borrower (the master(? (iii). Can Ngama show to every Nigerian publicly those proposed national projects that will benefit this nation and make this nation better that he plans to use the proposed borrowed money for? (iv). Has Ngama forgotten that America may be the most indebted nation in the world today, but it is an advanced nation and a manufacturing economy unlike Nigeria that is 100% a consuming nation that depends 100% on her oil for her state revenue? (v). Is Ngama planning to take us back as a nation into those huge foreign debts again that we will never be able to pay in this generation and in the future generations of Nigerians?
(vi). I challenge Ngama to show to Nigerians how we have managed our present huge oil revenue that is based on 2.5 million of barrels of oil a day at about $100 a barrel and why we need to borrow more today for national development. (vii). Has Ngama forgotten that the problem with Nigeria is not the insufficient revenue, but massive official corruption, mammoth mismanagement of state resources and the using of over 30% of the present annual federal budget to pay the salaries and allowances of those 17,500 public elected and appointed officials in the name of democracy, party politics and public service? (viii). Has Ngama forgotten that more borrowing by Nigerian government translates into more money to be stolen and to be mismanaged by our public officials and without anything on the ground in Nigeria to show for it?
(i). Is Ngama truly a good or a poor student of history to have easily forgotten how Olusegun Obasanjo, the former Nigerian President went all over the western world and begging for the forgiveness and for the cancellation of our huge crushing foreign debts? (ii). Has Ngama forgotten that the debtor is always the servant and at the mercy of the borrower (the master(? (iii). Can Ngama show to every Nigerian publicly those proposed national projects that will benefit this nation and make this nation better that he plans to use the proposed borrowed money for? (iv). Has Ngama forgotten that America may be the most indebted nation in the world today, but it is an advanced nation and a manufacturing economy unlike Nigeria that is 100% a consuming nation that depends 100% on her oil for her state revenue? (v). Is Ngama planning to take us back as a nation into those huge foreign debts again that we will never be able to pay in this generation and in the future generations of Nigerians?
(vi). I challenge Ngama to show to Nigerians how we have managed our present huge oil revenue that is based on 2.5 million of barrels of oil a day at about $100 a barrel and why we need to borrow more today for national development. (vii). Has Ngama forgotten that the problem with Nigeria is not the insufficient revenue, but massive official corruption, mammoth mismanagement of state resources and the using of over 30% of the present annual federal budget to pay the salaries and allowances of those 17,500 public elected and appointed officials in the name of democracy, party politics and public service? (viii). Has Ngama forgotten that more borrowing by Nigerian government translates into more money to be stolen and to be mismanaged by our public officials and without anything on the ground in Nigeria to show for it?
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
"TO SOW A SEED FOR YOUR BUSINESS TO GROW:ANOTHER UNBIBLICAL TEACHING OF THE SO CALLED PROSPERITY GOSPEL":Businesses primarily provides goods, services and employment for any communities where they are established or operated all over the world. Businesses cannot survive, function or thrive in all reality without the customers' patronage, profit making, new innovations, new business plans or ideas and the ability to compete effectively with their rivals. Businesses must provide high quality goods and services to their customers in order for those businesses to survive the world of competition from their other rivals.
The most successful businesses in the world today have already established their reputation or image, operate with the monopoly of those goods and services that they provide to their customers, have the expanded customer base, have the effective advertisement programs or publicity, are unique in the types of goods and services that they offer their customers, use modern business strategies such as, offering of return policy, warranty policy, discounts or special reduction sales, must be innovative and dynamic in the production of their goods and services and operate the most effective customer services.
This is the real secret behind the success of the biggest businesses around the world today, such as, Microsoft, Apple, Walmart, British Airways, Toyota Motors and many others. The doctrine of sowing a seed for a business to grow is not biblical and this heretic teaching has no single precedence from the entire Scriptures. This strange doctrine is man made and man designed to primarily benefit the man that preaches this anti-business teachings in a diabolical manner and using a deceptive package that is known as the prosperity gospel or the greed gospel of money and materialism.
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